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InDesign 2.0 - Bookmarks, HELP!

Started by daMoose_Neo, June 20, 2006, 04:38:33 PM

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I've been over and over this one and I'm tearing my hair out. Figured with it being layout, this was the best place to ask: is anyone here familiar with InDesign 2.0, and can anyone help me with bookmarks?
Finally got past the first hurdle of actually having bookmarks, a proper Table of Contents generated by the program creates those, but those bookmarks don't have a name when I open the exported PDF, they're blank. They're there, just no text to indicate what section they are.
Nate Petersen / daMoose
Neo Productions Unlimited! Publisher of Final Twilight card game, Imp Game RPG, and more titles to come!

David "Czar Fnord" Artman

Have you used some Style Format trick on your headings? For instance, maybe a blank line for the heading, to contain some leading art, with the actual heading on another line or on a Next Paragraph line? Also, have you properly set the PDF/Acrobat settings to pull the correct headings at the correct indentation/nesting levels?

If you'd used Frame, I'd say jsut send the file and I'll fix it. I don't have my own InDesign, however. You could try searching for a Yahoo Group for InDesign--I have gotten a lot of help from the WWP users group, and there's probably some overlap in members.

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Ahkay, I did use a style on the actual header text, thats the only way InDesign will pull the text for the TOC. According to what I've read on ID 2.0, its all supposed to be automatic. I did read something in the Help file about "markers", and using them to define something, but it didn't make much sence given what I was looking at.
Nate Petersen / daMoose
Neo Productions Unlimited! Publisher of Final Twilight card game, Imp Game RPG, and more titles to come!