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Indie Exposure Explosion.

Started by Seth M. Drebitko, June 18, 2006, 08:30:55 PM

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Seth M. Drebitko

Hello all,
You may or may not have seen a few of my posts regarding Aegri Somnia Press lately so before I get into the details of the Indie Exposure project let me just give you a basic overview of my business model as it is now.

-Through my web site people may download for free my books having no art in them or anything fancy like that.

-For a fee of $2 a month subscribers will be e-mailed the monthly magazine Indie Exposure as well as any other publications produced that month.

-If any subscriptions are missed you may for a small fee typically between 50 cents to a dollar download any of our Indie Exposures

-Merchandise will also be sold by the company as well as soft cover versions of all our books with only a 10% mark up on the total price.

-25% of each submission fee (50 cents) as well as 10% of all profits will be placed in a pot. At the end of each month I will randomly select one of the paid subscribers to as a show of appreciation receive the pot. To further increase the benefits of a long held membership every month that you don't win your submissions roll over into the next month to increase your chances. When finally you do win all of your submissions will be cleared away and you will have to build them back up.

-Any one submitting art to Indie Exposure or one of my other publications will have a full page ad placed in the book per picture entered specifically advertising the artists. Any art submissions from a subscriber must be specified as they are worth two extra entries into the monthly draw.

-Any writer donating an article to Indie Exposure will also have a single page ad devoted specifically to them in the publication, as well as two entries into the monthly draw.

-The Indie Exposure Explosion will be held every 6 months I will provide a theme to be written about rpg creators all around will then be given one week to create a role playing game based on the theme provided submissions must be no less than 30 pages long.

The rewards and conditions for having your game featured are as follows:

-The writer retains sole ownership of materials submitted but provides Aegri Somnia Press permission to publish their entry (without editing in any way the text provided) in the Indie Exposure and article will then be written on the game as well as the creator by myself Seth M. Bashwinger.

-I request that the following be provided by the writers and artists who wish to submit material, Name/Pen Name, website url, Company information, experience while you worked on the submission. If this information is not provided I will make a single attempt to contact you vie your e-mail if you do not respond within a weeks time it will be assumed that your submission was a donation and you will not receive an add or entries into the monthly draw for that piece.

Ok not that that is done and over with let me get down to explaining what exactly Indie Exposure and the Indie Exposure Explosion (IEE) is. The Indie Exposure will be a small monthly magazine organized by myself providing an article on plot hooks for my setting Reflections for use in role play games set in that setting. I will also accept any other article submissions regarding the indie role playing scene by any one in exchange for a full page add assuming they are accepted. The IEE will be held every 6 months I will collect as many submissions as possible within the weeks time and provide two of the submissions in each issue.

So this thread basically is the start of the first IEE being held I will respond to this post with the rules of the contest next.
MicroLite20 at
The adventure's just begun!

Seth M. Drebitko

Ok here are the rules:

You must create a fully functional game containing role playing elements, and justify these elements to me. the reasoning is that every one has their own ideas at what "role playing" is.

-You must base at least one key concept of your role playing game off of the following phrase
"Aegri Somnia" which is Latin for a sick mans dreams which go figure is my companies name.

-The entry must be no less than 30 6*9 pages long.

-You may e-mail submissions to me at

-Submissions will be taken up until Monday June 26th!

This is no scam I am in no way attempting to steal your hard work I in fact encourage you to continue improving upon it and at some point attempt to publish it, thats the point after all. So get out there have a blast making a game and even get your company or simply yourself some good advertising.
MicroLite20 at
The adventure's just begun!


Out of curiousity, why this specific minimum length?
Guy Shalev.

Cranium Rats Central, looking for playtesters for my various games.
CSI Games, my RPG Blog and Project. Last Updated on: January 29th 2010

Seth M. Drebitko

I provided I generous in my opinion minimum for pages for submissions at 30 6*9 (a little less than 15 8.5*11 pages) because I feel that that is not to heavy of a work load to be spread out over the course of a week. This also gives ample room to the writer to show of his/her talents to the people reading with the option to if they wish go even longer on. The final concern was that I needed the entries to take up a certain amount of space in Indie Exposure that just so happened to be around 30 6*9 pages ^_^.

Thanks for the interest any one who wants to join in on the contest can, even if you don't own or sell your own games you can enter and display your talent for fun and who knows this might be your chance to get your first product out there.

Another thing to mention that I should have this is not a competition against each other only yourself if you produce something of great quality it will end up being put into an issue of Indie Exposure. With that in mind feel free to use this thread to brain storm with one another about ideas.

Quick question this is the first time I will be running anything like this if any parts of the rule, time requirements and stuff like that don't seem right you can post up suggestions.
Regards, Seth
MicroLite20 at
The adventure's just begun!

Seth M. Drebitko

I have gotten e-mails from some people interested but that don't have the time so I have decided to extend the amount of time to 3 weeks from today. The new date will be midnight July 4th so you even get to hit send e-mail with dramatic fireworks exploding in the background to make you feel that much better. 
Regards, Seth
MicroLite20 at
The adventure's just begun!