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Dice mechanics question

Started by Randulf, July 12, 2006, 08:22:55 PM

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I'm sure this has been answered before, but I couldn't find it so please bear with me.

In the event of a tie, do you discard all instances of the tied number, or just one of each?  For example, Abel rolls 10, 10, 6, 3, 2 and Baker rolls 10, 8, 4, 1.  Are both of Abel's 10s discarded, or just one?  Does Abel win with one victory or does Baker win with one victory?


Andrew Cooper

Abel wins 1 victory.  You discard the tied dice one at a time.

Andrew Cooper

Sorry... I'm wrong.  Ignore me for the moment.  I didn't look at your numbers close enough. 

Abel wins but with 3 victories, I think.  I don't have the book handy to reference the rule on how to handle the 2, which won't have a dice to match up with.  Let someone with the rules handle answer it definitively.


Umm...ignore Andrew's answer entirely...(no offense)...its completely wrong.

The right answer is Able wins with 1 Victory.

1 ten is discarded for the tie leaving Able the victor with his other 10 beating Baker's 8.

Able only has 1 die (the 10) that beats Baker's highest die (the 8) so he gets only the one victory.

(Andrew, the all of Able's dice, gets compared to Baker's highest...they're not matched up high to low).

Ron Edwards

Andrew Cooper

Ah... no offense taken.  Wrong is wrong and I'm glad to be corrected. 


Thanks for the prompt responses, especially the correct one. <wink>