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[Paranoia] GNS and actual play (split)

Started by Bill O'Dea, August 04, 2006, 03:15:29 PM

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Ron Edwards


Please check out the site rules - it's not OK to post to an old thread and say "sorry I did it." If you knew you shouldn't, then don't do it. There is no well it's OK because I really want to clause at this site.

It's a shame ... I did want to see a decent Paranoia discussion at the Forge, but so far, no one seems able to separate their own experiences of play and interpretation from "the game" as an abstract entity, including the latest post.

So - this thread is now closed for a number of reasons. If anyone wants to start a new thread about Paranoia describing how they actually played, in detail, instead of "Paranoia is XYZ, it says in the book, see, it's XYZ, it's obvious," he or she is encouraged to do so.

Best, Ron