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Pandemonium 27 (Toronto, Canada) February 23-25

Started by epweissengruber, January 12, 2007, 02:38:15 PM

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Pandemonium 24

Pre-Registration is now open!
Register for your events before February 9, 2007 and you will receive our pre-registration price of $30 for the entire weekend. Registration after February 9, 2007 will cost $45 for the entire weekend. For full pricing details see: Pricing and Payment page

Pandemonium is the largest longest running gaming convention in Canada! Entering its' twenty fourth year, Pandemonium plays host for hundreds of gamers showcasing thousands of different games and various groups across Canada.

Come and play in the D&D Grand Tournament, try your hand at sword play or intrigue with the various Live Action Role Players (LARPS), challenge the your strategic mind with various board games, CCGs or mini's, shop with the various vendors specializing from games to medieval wares, wear your best costume for the ballroom dance, win prizes, and so much more!

February 23rd thru 25th 2007
Doors Open: Friday Febuary 23rd 6:00 PM
Doors Close: Sunday Febuary 25th 7:00 PM

Games and events being held at all hours!!


More importantly, the Indie RPG group of Toronto is running at least one Indie type game in every slot of the convention except the overnight slots, including Kung-fu Heroquest, Dogs in the Vineyard, and one whole freaking day's worth of Capes on Saturday.  Come join the fun!
* Want to know what your fair share of paying to feed the hungry is?
* Want to know what games I like?


Indie RPG Events

The fine folks running the con have put aside space for a demo table as well as regular slots.

We will be playtesting the new Tournament rules for Capes.


Friday 7:00 pm to 11:00 pm
Game 1: Heroquest: "Death Match of the 5 Deadly Venoms" w. Erik

Saturday 9:00 to 1:00
Game 1 My Life With Master:"Yesssss Mr. President" w. Erik
Game 2 Capes w. Hans Messersmith

Saturday 2:00 to 6:00
Game 1 Enemy Gods w. Mark Mueller
Game 2 _Capes w. Hans Messersmith
Demo Table: Erik Weissengruber -- Dogs in the Vineyard/Burning Wheel/Sorcerer

Saturday: 7:00 to 11:00
Game 1 _Heroquest: "Free Trader Issaries Calling ... Mayday!"
Game 2 ___Capes
Demo Table Michael

Sunday 10:00 to 2:00
Game 1 Dogs in the Vineyard w. Mark Mueller
Demo Table ______________

Sunday 3:00 to 7:00
Game 1 Burning Empires, Fires over Omac w. Dave Lucas
Demo Table:  Erik: Dogs in the Vineyard/Burning Wheel/Sorcerer


Here is the latest on the status of the Indie RPG Toronto events taking place at Panda.

If any Torontonians would like to run our demo table in a few slots, we would appreciate it.  We need active recruiting so we need someone who can grab wanderers, sit them down at a table, and give them 30 minutes of one of your favourite games.

Some of the slots will fill up quickly -- especially Hans' Capes game, so sign up at as soon as you can.

Here is an update on the events we have happening

Slot 1
Friday, February 23 2007, 7:00 pm

RPG - Heroquest : Martial Arts Action

- Erik W is running it
- Hans M. is playing
- I need more players

Five deadly kung-fu warriors were trained in secret by the Master
of the Five Venoms. One of them has poisoned the old master.
One has disappeared. What has happened and what will the
others do about it? Each warrior has a martial arts style based on
a poisonous animal: Toad, with his nearly invulnerable venomous
body; Lizard, with his wall crawling and stealth; Centipede, with
his pincers and hundreds of legs; Snake, with his speed, flexibility,
and bite. A young apprentice -- acquainted with each style and
animated by his sincere, passionate heart -- seeks the Venoms
and the solution to his master's illness. Heroquest is a
streamlined, narrative system that encourages creativity and
player input. No experience needed.

Indie-RPG Demo Table

- some players are showing interest
- It would be nice if someone could offer to pimp Indie games

Slot 3
Saturday, February 24, 2007, 9:00am

RPG - Capes: Invasion of Earth Prime! (Part 1)

- Hans is running it
- Some of you sign up!

Earth is being EARTH! Will the heroes of Earth-2 be
able to defeat those of Earth-Prime, or will our world fall victim to
their domination? Only you can decide! This is the 1st of three
linked sessions with two-three tables of Capes play going on
simultaneously, enjoying the same basic scenario but with wildly
different outcomes. Players can participate all day, or sign up for
a single session. Rules will be taught each session.Capes is
super-hero role-playing with a difference; no GM, no extensive
power-descriptions, just comic-book fun.

RPG - My Life With Master: Yesssss Mr. President

- Erik is running it
- It's pretty much all full up

It is 1864 and Nathaniel P. Machinfinster has just been elected
president of the U.S.A. A mad scientist who brought the North its
victory over the South through the power of steam mechanics and
battlefield monstrosities like the Land Monitor and the
Subterranean Assault Locomotive, Nathaniel seeks to dominate
the continent through his mad science and cruel schemes. And
you've been picked to be members of his cabinet! "Get me more
Phlogiston" he cries to the Secretary of the Interior. "More
'Volunteers' for the Lunar Launch Cannon" he says to the
Secretary of Incarceration. "Prepare to take on the terrorists of
Mexico" he says to the Secretary of Armed Forces. Can you keep
your humanity while assisting in his mad schemes? My Life With
Master is a rules-light game where players take the role of
cringing minions living out their tragic dramas in the shadow of a
deranged master. No experience needed.

Indie-RPG Demo Table

- sign up for this if you want to get a taste of a game that you are
curious about
- It would be nice if someone could offer to pimp Indie games

Slot 4
Saturday, February 24, 2007, 2:00pm

RPG - Capes: Invasion of Earth Prime! (Part 2)

- Hans is running it
- Some of you sign up!

RPG - Indie RPG Demo (Various 2)

- I'm running it
- sign up if you are interested in sampling some of the games we
talk about around here

Erik Weissengruber will be demoing several buzz-generating
small press games. Take on the role of feuding Elves and
Dwarves in a demonstration of fantasy RPG Burning Wheel. Or,
summon demons and take on a deadly rival in an introduction to
Ron Edwards' Sorcerer. You ever wanted to be a gunslinger?
Take on the role of a righteous demon-slaying paladin of the Wild
West in a short Dogs in the Vineyard scenario. Kill people, take
their stuff, and rip off your friends in Elfs, the game where victory
goes to the biggest munchkin.

RPG - Enemy Gods

- Mark M. is running it
- He's got 1 player
- more people sign up!

In Enemy Gods, you take the role of both a mythic Hero and a
powerful God. Your God guides your Hero and his compatriots
through epic adventures in dangerous lands, winning the favor of
mortals who beg for your intervention. As the Heroes' popularity
grows, the power of the Gods does as well. The more powerful the
Gods become, the more they can aid the Heroes. But just as
Gods are wise and generous, so are they vain and jealous... and
wrathful? and there's only so much devotion to go around. From
the designer of Legend of the Five Rings, John Wick.

Slot 5
Saturday, February 24, 2007, 7:00pm

RPG - Capes: Invasion of Earth Prime! (Part 3)

- Hans is running it
- Some of you sign up!

RPG - Heroquest: Space Opera

- I'm running it
- I need players!

For years they ignored your warnings. And now it is too late. The
conniving senators on Mecatol Rex are still debating as the armed
forces of 5 interstellar races converge on the old galactic capital.
Who will grab the throne and found the new Imperium? Take the
role of daring star warriors, space spies, and mighty leaders in
this RPG scenario based on Fantasy Flight?s epic boardgame of
space empires, Twilight Imperium. Heroquest is a streamlined,
narrative system that encourages creativity and player input. No
experience needed.

Indie-RPG Demo Table

- 2 players are showing interest
- sign up for this if you want to get a taste of a game that you are
curious about
- It would be nice if someone could offer to pimp Indie games

Slot 7
Sunday, February 25, 2007, 10:00 am

RPG - Dogs in the Vineyard

- Mark M is running it
- 4 players so far

Righteous lawmen and women in a demon-haunted Wild West.

RPG - Indie RPG Demo (Various 2)

- 2 players are showing interest
- I'm running it
- sign up if you are interested in sampling some of the games we
talk about around here

Slot 8
Sunday, February 25, 2007, 3:00pm

RPG - Burning Wheel: Fires Over Omac

- Dave L. is running it
- Erik W. is playing in it
- sign up!

Introduction to Luke Crane's space opera game of galactic
apocalypse, based on the award winning Burning Wheel system.

Indie-RPG Demo Table

- sign up for this if you want to get a taste of a game that you are curious about
- It would be nice if someone could offer to pimp Indie games

Edited by Erik on Jan 30, 2007 at 4:23 PM


I know that Heroquest is no longer represented on the Forge's Indie Game Forums.

I use my HQ demos to showcase various techniques familiar to Forgeites but unfamiliar to many gamers:

- Relationship maps
- Kickers
- Bangs
- Character-driven/Player-created story
- Explicit currency

And stuff like that there.

If you simply want a chance to try out some mechanics, please, please, please, sign up for one of the remaining Indie Demo slots and give that game gathering dust on your shelf a whirl.