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ENnies Judge Nominee Q&A

Started by Denise, February 07, 2007, 07:14:50 PM

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Vermicious Knid

Thanks for the questions folks. If my answers have impressed in any way I ask you to throw me a vote. You'd make an old gamer very, very happy. :)

Mark Causey

Yes, please vote, for whomever you choose! Let the (collected users of the) Forge's voice be heard!
--Mark Causey
Runic Empyrean


Hi everyone!

I'm one of those late applicants, so I'll take this opportunity to get known by the most people that I can. I'm hoping to be selected for jury duty because I want to help people what exists out there. I also pledge to donate every review books, except for one, as a gift to support my local gaming convention (Montreal - RoyalCon).

1. How do you think price factors when evaluating a product?
If price is proportional to the quality of the product, then it's fair. It's when you get less than what you paid for that you have a problem.

2. Do you have a favourite system, or particular dislike of one? Why? How will this affect your ability to judge products?
I have fond memories of good and bad systems. I remember when the critical hits of Rolemaster affected the nerves of my left hand. Now that I am more experienced, I tend to prefer coherent game systems. So no specific favourite nor dislike.

3. How do you feel about PDFs? Inherent advantages and/or disadvantages?
I'm okay with them but still prefer games in dead-tree format.

4. Mutant or troll?
Mutant, especially from Fallout.

5. Mechanics or Concepts? if you find too many errors in mechanics or in the writing will you fault the submission?
Concepts! Are you asking if a book that contains many glitches should have the same note as a book with a better proof read? Of course it shouldn't.

6. Are you in a long term relationship or a job which requires you to be on call or have little free time? how much time are you willing to spend to see this project to completion? are the outside factors going to effect your commitment? (a non gaming SO, a sick child, an aging parent, a new job, a move, planning a marriage, etc...)
Totally free. I'm guessing I'm going to spend 20 hours per week for 8 weeks. It's going to be one hell of an experience! :)

7. what are you gonna do with your stuff when all is done?
I will donate most of it to my local gaming convention.

8. 4e - Now, Soon, Later, or Never?

9. Which is your favorite Beatle?
The Blue Beetle

10. Software. What role do you see for software in DnD? Do you use software in DnD (more than Word/PDF etc)? Are minis more important than software?
Since I own a decent amount of DwarvenForge stuff, I do consider minis more important than software. The only software that I use is Ms-Excel. I keep a list of people encountered by my group in that format. I also have totals to say how many of X race and what percentage that represents.

11. Are any of you offering cash incentives, beer, and/or incriminating photographs of Morrus in return for my vote?
How did you know about the fling between Morrus and me? He's such a big mouth!

12. What game(s) are you playing in now / have played in in the past year?
Mutants and Masterminds - Currently playing
Dnd & Arcana Evolved set in Ptolus - Ended (lasted 2 years and a half)
Werewolf : The Forsaken

Do you think that the ENnies should have a codified set of rules for how they should be run, including a specific list of points that the judges should use for each category?
No. Guidelines are always welcome, but skip on the firm set of rules.

Or do you think that the ENnies should be like they are currently, and the judges voting on the rules each year?
At least this way each year are sure to have there surprises.

Do you think that the ENnies being so intimately tied to the World's Largest d20 Fan Site might mean that the basic voting pool for the ENnies might be a bit biased towards d20 products in general?
It probably helps a little, but the good products that won last year did it because they were spectacular.

Do you think that the ENnies should move everything over to their own, independant website (which they already have), to have all aspects of the ENnies in 1 single central location? Why or why not?
Only if they would save something on the hosting fees.

Do you plan on playtesting any of the material?
If it's deadly and horrible, you can bet that I will torture my players with it.

What prompted you to consider being a judge for the ENnies?
I want to be a judge because I want to know what is out there. I want to help people know about the excellent books they are missing for whatever reason.

Would statements by those "in the industry" affect your opinions on a product?
Hell no.

Francois Labrecque


By the way, since we're using the Single Transferrable Vote method, it is important to select at least your top ten favourites, twelve would be better.
As I understand it, a nominee needs to make a quota of votes, and once they do, any additional votes for them are discarded, and those voters' next choice gets the votes.  This goes on until five judges are selected.  (Wiki explains it quite nicely for those interested in learning more).
An ENnie vote has as much meaning as a dollar bill - that is, it's worth what you choose to value it at. -clash

The Annual Gen Con EN World RPG Awards ("The ENnies")