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[GenCon 2007] Forge Booth Menu

Started by Troy_Costisick, May 08, 2007, 03:08:33 AM

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Quote from: Jason Morningstar on May 09, 2007, 09:05:00 PM
I'm all for booklets, or any way to increase type size and readability.  I know there's a trade-off there, but if cost is an issue I'd be happy to chip in for something that was, in itself, a compelling and desirable object.  If it became an eight page digest-sized booklet (two pieces of letter-sized paper and some staples), perhaps both the demo stuff and the catalog could be included, along with blurbs about IGE/GOD/WTF etc. 

Maybe that's too much work for a handout, but it'd sure be nice.

It's not too much work.


I think I have a handle on making this happen now, and I don't see any reason not to start gathering information for it.  I'll make another post soon (probably starting a new thread, so all the information necessary is in the first post anyone encounters) calling for entry submissions for the menu.  Ron's deadline for getting in on the booth is June 1st; I'll probably set the deadline for getting info to me that needs to be in the menu at some point past that.

Right now I'm thinking we'll do it (likely 8-page digest) booklet style rather than as a single sheet thing. 

I still need advice on how many to print up.

I'm thinking it'll have these sections:

- Serving Today: Games actively represented at the booth (i.e., if there's someone at the booth able to demo the game)
- From the Cellar: Games for sale at the booth (essentially IPR catalog entries, plus other items beyond those from IPR's stores)
- Points of Interest: Pointers on where to find other "forge diaspora" booths around the convention floor, such as the Ashcan Front, but I imagine there are others

My ideal vision here is that this is a guide on what you ask for demos for, a list of stuff you can buy, and a roadmap for making sure all the podlets that have launched from the forge mothership get traffic sent their way.

Products listed won't be split out into companies; the focus here is on games, sorted alphabetically by title.

Anything missing from the plan?  If not, I'll get prepped to gather up the needed info and will make that post.

Jason Morningstar

I think that covers it.  Points of Interest can be URLs, too.

If there's space we should use the back cover for something fun and sticky, like a demo log you can get stamped or a complete RPG or something. 


Quote from: Jason Morningstar on May 10, 2007, 08:11:50 PM
I think that covers it.  Points of Interest can be URLs, too.

If there's space we should use the back cover for something fun and sticky, like a demo log you can get stamped or a complete RPG or something. 

I was thinking front cover kicks off the list of demoables, with the back cover getting the "points of interest" thing -- in part because I want the exterior of this object to contain stuff that people should see right away, even if they're just grabbing and bag-stuffing.  I do like the idea of a demo log being a part of the interior though...

Though that said, we could format things in such a way that the demoable items had checkboxes (or some other device) next to them.

THAT said, we could integrate with the points of interest (or split that out to be a separate object) and make this thing act like a passport, shared with the other diaspora booths, with folks getting it "stamped" at each location, and maybe getting to enter fully-stamped booklets in some sort of a prize drawing?



That sounds really great, Fred.  Once you're ready to go, I'll let you start a separate thread for people to post what games they are bringing, how much they cost, and whatever other informatino you'd like.  I'd like to have it public to drum up interest and support for one thing, and for second people can already start brushing up on their familiarity with the games that will be demoed.  This way, the learning curve might not be so steep the Wednesday before GenCon.  I might suggest waiting on that thread, though, until after Ron's June 1st deadline for signing up.  That way, it's final who will be in and who won't be.

Also, on that subject, Ron if you are reading this, what's the status of the "newbie" rule where $100 buy-ins can only bring 1 game.  Is that still in effect this year?  I can't remember.




I like the idea of a passport themed book...wasn't there some talk of this last year?

If the center pages of the book contained the stampy place and a place for contact info, it would be easy to pull out and drop in a bin for a drawing of some kind...maybe free promo t-shirts...several of us have logo t-shirts already that would do the trick.

Any chance the back cover could fit a small map of the dealer hall with points of interest marked?


Quote from: Valamir on May 10, 2007, 11:53:36 PMIf the center pages of the book contained the stampy place and a place for contact info, it would be easy to pull out and drop in a bin for a drawing of some kind...maybe free promo t-shirts...several of us have logo t-shirts already that would do the trick.

Sure.  The prize pool thing, we can brainstorm.

QuoteAny chance the back cover could fit a small map of the dealer hall with points of interest marked?

If someone can provide me with a map (and the various diaspora folk already know their localities), I don't see how that would be a problem.


Quote from: Troy_Costisick on May 10, 2007, 10:26:19 PM
Also, on that subject, Ron if you are reading this, what's the status of the "newbie" rule where $100 buy-ins can only bring 1 game.  Is that still in effect this year?  I can't remember.

Hi Troy,

I'm not Ron, but I can answer this: The 1 game limit is dead.


I write games. My games don't have much in common with each other, except that I wrote them.

Jason Morningstar

Quote from: iago on May 10, 2007, 08:44:59 PM
maybe getting to enter fully-stamped booklets in some sort of a prize drawing?

Yeah, that's the sort of thing I was after.  That'd be fun.  BPG will contribute a prize - or maybe we can get everybody to buy in and make it "pick the game of your choice."  I'm hoping that all the disapora booths are pretty close together - rather than the entire dealer's hall, maybe we'll just need a map of the surrounding area, centered perhaps on the Forge booth.

Ron Edwards


Fred, let's handle the booklet information privately rather than on-line. I do not want to generate a "who's in, who's out" culture by publicly discussing who's signed up at this point. Email me for the current list.

I'll announce who's participating in about two weeks; it's not secret information, just not a topic for debate or social pressures.

Best, Ron


Quote from: Ron Edwards on May 11, 2007, 01:22:01 PM
Fred, let's handle the booklet information privately rather than on-line. I do not want to generate a "who's in, who's out" culture by publicly discussing who's signed up at this point. Email me for the current list.

I'll announce who's participating in about two weeks; it's not secret information, just not a topic for debate or social pressures.

That's good by me. 

If that's the case and I want to collect additional pieces of information about the folks on the list -- pricing information, maybe an 80-characters-or-less precis of the game concept, "tags" that might identify game type -- should I do that as a process whereby folks email me direct, then?

Ron Edwards

Whatever. We can probably have a thread about that later.

Best, Ron


Quote from: Ron Edwards on May 11, 2007, 11:22:00 PM
Whatever. We can probably have a thread about that later.

Okay.  On that basis, I'll collect information to expand upon the participants once the window of opportunity for buying into the booth has closed.  That way, we'll avoid any concerns you have about public declarations being perceived as peer pressure, etc.  Meanwhile, I'll think about what prep-work I can do in advance of June 1st, and if there's any, get on that.
