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New RPG idea.

Started by program, February 08, 2008, 02:36:53 PM

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Hello, I have a idea for a new RPG experiment and new RPG game, to this end, I have a blog over at
If you would like to know what the experiment is, or would like to participate, please head over and check it out, it will only take a few minutes.  Hope to see you there, and have fun.


Hi program.  I just signed up too...

Well I checked out the site.  What a great idea!  I voted on them all, and bookmarked the page, too.  Looking forward to see how the project will turn out...

I was thinking, I have a developer's blog, if you wanted to trade links it might get us both a few more visitors.  Here's the link, if I see it up on your page I'll add your blog site to my links on my blog.

- Mike W.

Peter Nordstrand

Hi there program,

Why don't you tell us a little bit about your experiment right here? Tell us what it is about, what excites you about it. And while you are at it, why don't you ask a question or two that you might have about your project. If you do that, I'll be happy to spend a little time on your idea. This is a discussion forum after all, not an advertising space. :-)


Any sufficiently advanced incompetence is indistinguishable from malice.
     —Grey's Law


Yeah, sorry if it seems like an advert.  Its just that I need to get my idea out to RPG fans otherwise it won't work.
*clears throat*
The idea of my RPG is to allow voters to poll their views, and make decisions on the game from there.  Based on what is voted, bits of the rule book will be written by be (and soon maybe a few other team members).  This rule book will be up for votes to erase/change it.  Then the next bits of the book will be voted on.  So you see why I need to advertise it somewhat.  This will hopefully produce a final rulebook that is on one hand, largely determined by the voters, but also not leaving the voters like I have not put any work in on my side.
So thats the idea, hope you like it.  Right now, the first three basic stories based on current votes is up for download on the blog, so if you want to get involved, show a friend, or just laugh at my writing ability, take a look.

Peter Nordstrand

Sounds interesting. I have a couple of questions, if you don't mind.

Who are you? :-) Do you have a name? I'm Peter.

So far, you are dealing with setting and backstory. Are you planning to use polls when it comes to actual game rules as well? If that's the case, would you mind telling us a bit about how you plan to go about it?

Oh, and your writing skills are fine, by the way. All backstory bits were well written and interesting.

Any sufficiently advanced incompetence is indistinguishable from malice.
     —Grey's Law


Definitley, the rules will be poll based.  More or less everything will.  As regards how to go about it, thats a bit tougher.  Right now, me and a friend are working on it.  Im thinking that I will start off with the basics, such as dice, cards or other methods - then onto maximum number for standard play, because I know a lot of people hate having to rain dice on the board.  Then, say dice are decided on, whether the game will be tactical war like, where soldiers are grouped, or RPG classic, where you develop a small if not singualr character.  So say, RPG classic style is picked, from there, several strategies will be picked and offered for vote.  You see, I think every question can be broken down into multiple choice for something like a game.  I think that there are only two things that will matter in the end, 1) The voters always have an option to vote 'other' where possible, stopping me from accidently giving biased polls, and 2) Any place in the rules where something has to be created as a yard stick to either be accepted, changed or discarded is my way of showing that I have commitment to the experiment.  I.e.  In the case of the story, the alternative of polling a story word for word would be an enormous, and probably not very fruitful exercise.  So I offer a few suggestions, if people like it, they vote, if they don't we keep re-evaluating until something OK is reached.
By the way I am thinking of opening a forum soon.  This is the next step in the experiments evolution.  When a forum is open, more subtle views can be exchanged, and people can upload items of there own to be polled.  So, if you have some artwork, or rule, or monster, then post it, if it fits the current scheme we will put it for vote, and if it wins, then it will become part of the 'official book'.  This will take time, as people giving work is understandably a sensitive process.  Would anybody be interested in seeing a forum?
Wow, I can mumble on...


You should set up a newsletter to let people know about new polls.  Otherwise, they might forget about the site.  If you have a forum up it would encourage visitors too.


Allow me to be the bitter rinds in the coffee for the moment...

Why, exactly, are you using polls to determine what rules to write and what rules to use? That is, what are the benefits of doing so, or better, what problems are you seeking to avoid by using this method? Are you aware of the problems inherent to group/poll-based design and decision-making? (ie: "Too many cooks spoil the soup" as they say.) And if so, how do you plan to deal with those issues or mitigate the effects of such on the end-product?
Rev. Ravenscrye Grey Daegmorgan
Wild Hunt Studio