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Downloadable board game!

Started by btrc, February 27, 2008, 03:30:41 PM

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I've just made Black Death active at This is a full, pro-quality board game in terms of its components, but you have to print and assemble it yourself. In exchange for the inconvenience of this, you only pay about a quarter the cost of conventionally published board game (a third when you add in your component cost). The product link is at:

but you can get the sample download at:

I really have no idea if it will fly as a commercial product, but I do know it -has- allowed me to publish something of a quality I'd never be able to afford to produce as a boxed game with die-cut counters. And if someone really wants, I can always run off a component set as POD and let the end user assemble that.

Greg Porter

Eero Tuovinen

Interesting. Do you have a lot in terms of assembly instructions, or is the buyer supposed to know what he's doing in terms of suitable paper choices, glues and such?

Also, do tell a bit more about the game itself. Is it more Ameritrash or German in style, would you say? I'm just asking because I like boardgames, but if you have any general thoughts about the design, we're all ears.
Blogging at Game Design is about Structure.
Publishing Zombie Cinema and Solar System at Arkenstone Publishing.


The sample download link includes the full assembly instructions and the rules to the game, so you can get a good idea of what is going on. Personally, I printed the map and rules on glossy paper and had the map laminated. I printed the counters and other pieces on a full-sheet label, then peeled if off and stuck it on the chipboard back of a legal pad, and then trimmed it with a paper cutter and scissors. The random event cards I did on pre-perfed business card stock, but there is also a template with cut lines so you can do it on regular cardstock. And the game includes four maps. Two are single-page 15x20 inch maps, one in color, one in greyscale, and two are split into four 8.5 x 11 sheets that you trim the white edges off and fit together, again with a version in color and greyscale.

I would say the game falls more into the German mold. Players can't be eliminated, so everyone is in until the end. Even those who are behind can still play spoiler, and the luck (dice) element means that surges and setbacks in terms of scoring are possible, but these do not overwhelm skill and diplomacy.



this is really cool.

its nice see a product this far along, ready to be downloaded.