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[GenCon Indy 08] Games on Demand

Started by Andrew Cooper, February 14, 2008, 04:12:23 PM

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Andrew Cooper

QuoteChoice 3: you don't HAVE to be in the exhibitors' hall. I expect that Games on Demand is going to be a thing again this year. I don't know who you should talk to about that, either - but if you find out, let me know. Emily and I have a thing we want to talk to them about.

I am the person to talk to about Games on Demand and the Indie Game Explosion this year.  Kat couldn't make it to GenCon this year and I've stepped in.  You can send me email at aecooper AT musfiber DOT com.  I'll be posting stuff about it soon but I haven't gotten my legs under me yet, so be gentle at least for the next week or two.

Andrew Cooper

Greetings!  I'm now getting everything together for Indie Games Explosion and Games on Demand.  I don't have a whole lot of specifics yet but I do want to let everyone know that these things are going to be happening.  I also want to gauge what kind of interest there is out there.  So, here's the kind of preliminary information I'd like to have from folks. 

If you want to run a game associated with the Indie Games Explosion, let me know.  Give me just the generalities at the moment.  If you have a specific game in mind, that's great.  If you just know you want to run something and have it narrowed down to 1 or 2 things, that's still fine at this point.  I'll get back with you about about deadlines on when I actually need to know what it is specifically you're doing.

If you are interested in being a Table Custodian for Games on Demand, let me know.  This is a really cool job.  I did it in 2006 and had a blast.  For this, I just need to know that you're interested.  There are no "set" games here.  I do need to know what games you could comfortably run in a pick-up session.

I do know that GM's (or Table Custodians) get a free badge to the Con if they run a certain number of sessions over the weekend.  That number used to be 3 sessions.  I'm reading through stuff at the Con right now and will find out if that number has changed or not.

To contact me, you can reply to this thread but I need you to email  me at aecooper AT musfiber DOT com.



Green Fairy Games will have, I believe 6-8 sessions worth of stuff for a couple of different games, specifically Fae Noir and CandyCreeps. Not sure yet what the spread will look like or times, so it's good you don't need specifics.
Check out Fae Noir, a game of 1920's fantasy.

Andy Kitkowski

I'll be running a booth in the Hall of Capitalism, but I'll be taking great long breaks to assist and play at GoD.

Others: Commit to helping out GoD! It was honestly the most fun I've had at a GenCon, period. I signed up, thinking, "Oh, man, I'm signing up to WORK at the con"... but I was totally off base, it was like facilitating fun games that you get to play and run. Got to try all sorts of crazy hippie and traditional games with all sorts of people, across the board.

The Story Games Community - It's like RPGNet for small press games and new play styles.

Andrew Cooper

Thanks for the plug, Andy.  (I'll send you the money later.)  Being a Table Custodian for is, indeed, very cool and very fun.  I did it in 2006.  I got to play 2 sessions of DitV, 2 sessions of Great Ork Gods, a session of Capes and a session of Universalis.  I sat and played at the table with Mike Holmes, Tony LB, Adam Dray and numerous others that I had talked to online but hadn't met before in person.  AND... I got my badge for free.  How cool is that?