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Ubercon X, Edison NJ

Started by M. J. Young, April 24, 2008, 09:47:32 PM

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M. J. Young

I am at this moment expecting (98% certainty) to be at Ubercon X in Secaucus this weekend.  If anyone is going to be there, look me up--I'll be running Multiverser games and sitting on panels for most of the weekend, but I'm staying at a different hotel.

I will also have copies of the just-this-week-in-print article collections Game Ideas Unlimited Volume 1 (the first six months of the four-year series from Gaming Outpost) and Faith and Gaming (the four-year monthly series from The Christian Gamers Guild), along with the other books.

I don't have a lot of time to visit, but I'll make time over meals or something.

--M. J. Young