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[GenCon 2008] Second thread, random details and questions

Started by tonyd, April 16, 2008, 06:07:05 PM

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Eero Tuovinen

Quite so. I was planning to familiarize myself with modern deodorants before coming, anyway; I'm sure there are better things to horrify people with than perceived hygiene. If close-by bathroom arrangements can be made, it might not be a bad idea to invest time on mid-day grooming for folks in the evening shift.

(Yes, I have never been taught to use deodorants, which might be difficult for urban folks from certain parts of the world to believe. To the contrary, we were taught in primary education to avoid spray-type deodorants due to the hazards to the ozone layer. So hopefully I'm not now perceived as some kind of... geek or something for my hygiene habits, which I assure you are perfectly normal for my natural habitat. And yes, my "natural habitat" does have electricity and running water.)

I had Markku look into renting a car from Chicago for the trip to Indianapolis and for local travel, but it seems that the costs of parking in downtown Indianapolis alone are about the same as if we just travelled by taxi every day. Taxi travel is rather cheap compared to Finland, interestingly enough. So in that regard the travel logistics seem to be working fine. Now we'll just have to figure out how to sell 350 copies of my zombie game at the convention and we'll turn a profit from the trip ;)
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