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IGE at DexCon 11

Started by Michael S. Miller, June 09, 2008, 04:31:20 PM

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Michael S. Miller

Hi, all.

Time has all-but overtaken us this year. Kat and I would like to run an Indie Games Explosion at DexCon this year. The convention is in East Brunswick, New Jersey from Wednesday, July 16 to Sunday, July 20.

Unfortunately, that means that we will need event information by this Friday, June 13! If you run at least four events, we can secure you a free badge. If you run fewer than four events, we can still list your events with the rest of the Indie Games Explosion for increased exposure.

More info on Dexcon is available at the DexCon 11 website

I will post this at The Forge and at Story-Games. Please re-post or link to it from wherever else you think might be helpful.

Please send your event information to my Gmail acount: stalwartip AT gmail DOT com

We will be registering all the games, but we'll need all the info to fill out this form

I'll be glad to answer any questions you might have.

Serial Homicide Unit Hunt down a killer!
Incarnadine Press--The Redder, the Better!

Michael S. Miller

Hi, all.

I've posted all the events I've received to the DexCon registration site. If you sent me events and did NOT receive a confirmation e-mail from Double Exposure, that means I did NOT receive your events. Please submit them to the DexCon site directly and forward the confirmation e-mail to me. We've got about 50 events! The con is going to be great! Thanks to everyone who has committed to running games! Looking forward to a great DexCon!
Serial Homicide Unit Hunt down a killer!
Incarnadine Press--The Redder, the Better!