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[DNAwesome] What would you do?

Started by dindenver, July 18, 2008, 06:15:04 PM

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  OK, here is the scenario, see if you can break my resolution mechanics please.

  You are playing Guillermo Perez, his stats are as follows:
Super Stretching (Super, Power, Physical)
Super Toughness (Super, Power, Physical)
Martial Arts Training (Ability)
Computer Science Degree (Ability)
Intuitive (Ability)
Self-Reliant (Ability)
Mark of Gullibility
Mark of One-Track Mind
Rigid Thinker (Weakness, Mental)
Brutally Honest (Weakness, Social)
Grit: 3

  You have been battling against Terminull in a Physical Challenge (he tried to take over the world's economy using the internet and you could not let that stand) and finally won! His stats are:
Wired (Super, Power, Mental)
Hard Body (Power, Social)
Fighter (Ability)
Friendly (Ability)
Iron Will (Ability)
Mark of Agitation
No Tolerance for Pain (Weakness, Physical)

  During the battle, you used
Super Stretching
Grit - Double Super Stretching
Super Toughness
Grit - Double Super Toughness
Martial Arts Training
Grit - cancel play of Rigid Thinker

They played:
Grit - To play Wired
Grit - To play Hard Body
Iron Will
Grit - Play Rigid Thinker against Guillermo (You need Grit, because its Mental)

So, now the World has been saved, the Die can be rolled and the EPs can be totaled up
You got 501 EP
They got 133 EP

Here are the Effect Costs:
Add Standard Trait: 1
Add Ability: 10
Add Mark: 5
Add Power: 100
Add Weakness: 50
Add Super Power: 200
Add Super Weakness: 100
Remove Standard Trait: 2
Remove Ability: 5
Remove Mark: 10
Remove Power: 50
Remove Weakness: 100
Remove Super Power: 100
Remove Super Weakness: 200
Hospitalize: (100 x Super Power Arena Tags) + (10 x Power Arena Tags) + Abilities - Marks - (10 x Weakness Arena Tags) - (100 x Super Weakness Arena Tags) - Target is wounded and is laid up in the hospital and unable to act Physically for the Duration
Terminull has a Hospitalization cost of 102
Incapacitate: (100 x Super Power Arena Tags) + (10 x Power Arena Tags) + Abilities - Target is unable to act physically, mentally and socially for the Duration
Terminull has a Incapacitation cost of 113

One Scene: 0 (This is 3 days or one scene, whichever occurs first)
One Day: 1 (Any number of scenes, at least one)
One Week: 10 (Any number of scenes, at least one)
One Month: 100 (Any number of scenes, at least one)
One Year: 300 (Any number of scenes, at least one)
Permanent: 200 (Another Effect can still negate this though)

One person: 0 (Besides self)
Self: 5 (Add this to another Target if you are affected along with others)
2 to 20: 1 (Group)
21 to 1,000: 3 (Village/Town)
1,001 to 10,000: 5 (City)
10,001 to 1,000,000: 10 (Big city)
1,000,001 to 10,000,000: 20 (Region/Small Nation)
10,000,001+: 100 (Large Nation/World)

You only have to buy Target and Duration once, but can buy multiple Traits

Also, you can spend EPs to cancel EPs of Terminull on a 1-for-1 bases (but not reduce him below 0)

How would you spend them?
I would like two types of responses please:
1) Ideal (in the spirit of the game)
2) Broken (Meaning you would like the results as a player, but not as a GM)
  Let me know what you would do, thanks!
Dave M
Author of Legends of Lanasia RPG (Still in beta)
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