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Needing that other perspective

Started by BubbaBrown, July 17, 2008, 08:20:05 AM

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I've been monkeying around with this system as the platform for a few other projects I've got.  I decided recently to start ramping up development on it after a long break from it.  So after taking the thing out back, beating it with a baseball bat, watching what fell off of it, and filling up gaps, I have gotten to a slow point.  I'm circling around this thing looking for parts to either rip off or tighten up, but I'm not seeing as many items as I was earlier in the process.  So I believe I'm at the point of getting external reviews.
So before I go too far... This is just a system mechanic.  Think of it like one of those childhood electronic 100-in-1 project kits they sold at Radio Shack.  The components are laid out, the booklet has few suggestions on how to wire them up, but it is all ultimately up to you on how you wire the various pieces together.  Probably not the most creative thing to ever grace the world, but I need something universal with the ability to safely turn on and off things I need and don't need per setting and game.  But at the same time, I wanted to maintain some similarity and portability between projects.  So far... this is the spawn that has resulted.

What I'm specifically trying to find now is gaps in knowledge and information.  Being the creator and designer... I've got the entire knowledge set in my head, hence it is a little difficult for me to sense what is missing in the actual documentation.  Since many people during development take different paths, I was hoping some brave persons would venture to look into this as if they were using it has a toolkit of build one of their projects upon.  This way I hope they'll be able to spot and point out missing tidbits and premature dead-ends or those moments that make you utter, "What the?" or "I don't know what you've been smoking, but I hope you saved some so they can make the antidote from it."

Well here it is on the web in TiddlyWiki format:
And to those that check it out: Thank you.