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How do I get reviewed?

Started by Michael Hopcroft, May 15, 2002, 06:23:30 AM

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Michael Hopcroft

How do I get my game, once it is released in PDF form, reviewed beofre the print book comes out?

Would anyone here be interested in doing a review and reliable enough to know I won;t be wasting an otherwise saleable copy? I'd like to see something posted on RPGNet (preferably more than once) and on some other websites as well.

I wonder if this is another topic that will have to be moved to Publishing....
Michael Hopcroft Press: Where you go when you want something unique!

Ron Edwards

Hi Michael,

You'll probably be shocked at how primitive the Forge's review policy is. Basically, um ... it's totally founded on whatever Clinton and I, separately, have been playing. If I play it, and if it's creator-owned, then I review it. There aren't any "submissions," we don't accept review copies (I buy the games I play), and it's just ... well, primitive.

However, it looks like it might stay that way, mainly because we can't think of any alternate strategy without huge pitfalls. A pretty complete statement by Clinton and me is presented in the Reviews thread, as well as at the Review Philosophy page.


Mike Holmes

As far as doing an RPGnet review, I think there almost anyone who posts here regularly would be a fine choice. IME, this is a pretty responsible place, with intelligent people. Anyone want a free game? Help the man out.


P.S. BTW, hi and welcome to The Forge. Just don't let people refer to you as Mike, please; stick with Michael. There are too many damn Mikes around here already. ;-)
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Michael Hopcroft

Since the PDF book will be essentially the same as the print book, will a copy of the PDF do for a potential reviewer? OR would that be seen as an insult gross?
Michael Hopcroft Press: Where you go when you want something unique!

Ron Edwards

Hi Michael,

Sorcerer was reviewed several times when it was a PDF game, so there are at least a few folks who have no problem with it. Your best bets are probably, Places to Go People to Be, and RPGhost ... and others might be able to name some more. Check out these sites and contact one of their reviewers, to see what they think. is also handy in that anyone can submit a review, so you could prompt someone who's played the game to do so. Obviously, one could take it so far as to publish a "review" under a pseudonym, but that would be scummy.



Quote from: Ron EdwardsObviously, one could take it so far as to publish a "review" under a pseudonym, but that would be scummy.

Agreed, but RPGnet does include a "self-review" option that you can select.  This allows you to write your own review but discloses your bias from the beginning.  I don't know how seriously folks take these self-reviews, but it is an option.
Seth Ben-Ezra
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