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The Ashcan Front Gen Con 2008 post-mortem

Started by Paul Czege, September 02, 2008, 06:07:23 PM

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Paul Czege

This year The Ashcan Front had ten participating designers (plus Rob Bohl and Joshua A.C. Newman with ashcans on our shelves as part of our partnership with The Playcollective, and Matt Snyder selling a few remaining copies of last year's 44 ashcan as well). In 2007 we had eleven participating designers.

This year we had 178 units sold, across 108 transactions, for total cash receipts of $2,502. The sales breakdown by day:

70 units Thursday across 36 transactions
25 units sold Friday across 17 transactions
33 units sold Saturday across 23 transactions
50 units sold Sunday across 32 transactions

Last year we had 265 units sold, across 140 transactions, for total cash receipts of $3,085. The sales breakdown by day:

86 units Thursday across 35 transactions
40 units sold Friday across 24 transactions
50 units sold Saturday across 35 transactions
89 units sold Sunday across 46 transactions


My Life with Master knows codependence.
And if you're doing anything with your Acts of Evil ashcan license, of course I'm curious and would love to hear about your plans

Tim C Koppang


How did the booth's "brand recognition" fare this year?  I'm curious to know if you had people specifically coming up looking for indie ashcans or if it was more in the vein of, "hey, what's all this about?"  Obviously last year would have been all the latter.

- Tim