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PentaCon Fort Wayne, IN

Started by hoefer, October 29, 2008, 03:54:07 PM

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Anyone going to PentaCon next weekend?  I'm running the Century's Edge demo I did for GenCon there, and wanted to know if anyone else would be there from this forum.  Also, I've never been to this particular Con and was curious if there was anything I should know before going into it...

Louis Hoefer


Quick summary of PentaCon 2008 in Fort Wayne, Indiana:

Smaller -it was suggested that 2000 attendees would be there, it felt more like 400...  Maybe this is the economy though.

Tighter -the people I did have the privelege of playing with were very friendly and seemed to know each other well.  Many people at this con seemed to know eachother as once-a-year regulars.  Good people!

Cheeper -the con, parking, hotels, nearby restaurants all were very reasonable.

Booths? -not sure what they cost but there were only a few of them and they didn't seem to be doing a lot of business comparatively -again it's probably the economy.

Over all, I would love to go back to the con as a "player" but didn't feel my game benefited much from offering it there this year as a GM (only pulled 8/18 player slots as opposed to ~28/32 during the previous GenCons).  I will probably go again next year, just to make sure my judgement is sound.

Louis Hoefer