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Indie Games Explosion at Dreamation 2009

Started by Michael S. Miller, November 26, 2008, 03:22:36 PM

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Michael S. Miller

Hey, all!

It's time to start putting together the Indie Games Explosion at Dreamation 2009! What do you want to run? What do you want to play? What kind of fun are you bringing to the Garden State and what kind of fun are you hoping to find there?

For those unfamiliar, Dreamation is a great games convention in Morristown, NJ from February 19-22, 2009. This will be the fifth consecutive year that many of the best and brightest of indie games enthusiasts congregate there for the Indie Games Explosion, a weekend-long track of games, parties, and roundtables. Come and join us!

We're trying something different, registration-wise, this year. Kat has put together the Indie Games Explosion Wiki where you can enter all the cool info about your games. We're hoping that this will promote enthusiasm about each others' events, as well as allow people make changes and to coordinate their schedules BEFORE the event schedule is set. Hopefully we'll avoid some of the classic GM's regret: "I wanted to play in your game, but I didn't know that you scheduled it the same time as my game!"

REMEMBER: Time slots you request are just that: A REQUEST. Double Exposure does their best to give everyone the time slots they want, but there's a lot of events in addition to the IGE going on, and only a limited amount of space.

You don't need to use the wiki if you don't want to. If you want to do things over e-mail, you can e-mail event listings, as well. Use this Gmail account: indiegamesexplosion att gmail dott com

Deadline for event submission is Sunday, JANUARY 4, 2009. Please do NOT submit your events directly to Double Exposure. Put them on the wiki or e-mail them. Kat and I will double-check that everything is in order and submit them to convention management.

If you GM at least three events over the course of the convention, you'll be qualified for a free GM badge.

I've made a second post with all the info we need for each game. The personal info at the top should NOT go on the wiki where the whole world can find it! E-mail personal info to this Gmail account: indiegamesexplosion att gmail dott com and we'll take care of matching it with your event info.

Double Exposure has also generously made available some limited hotel room "crash space." Conditions are often crowded, so be aware. If you're interested in securing space in the crash space, please e-mail me privately at the address above.

It's less than 3 months until Dreamation and I, for one, can't wait!

Serial Homicide Unit Hunt down a killer!
Incarnadine Press--The Redder, the Better!

Michael S. Miller

Mailing Address:   

Event Title:   
Home Page:   
Do you have a specific eMail address where players can ask questions prior to the convention?:
Type of Game:

What specific System the game will be run in (including version if applicable)?

Length of game: (usually 4 hrs for most RPGs)

Preferred time slot:
  THU Midnight
  FRI Midnight
  SAT Midnight
  FRI Midnight

If you're running multi-round tournament style, LET ME KNOW!

Minimum & Maximum number of players:
Tell us about player responsibilities (choose one):
  * All Materials for this game are provided by the GM
  *All Materials for this game are offered, but players can bring their own
  *All players are required to bring their own Materials
How well do players need to know the game system? (choose one)
  *Beginners ONLY
  *Beginners Welcome, rules taught if necessary
  *Basic Knowledge of the game system is necessary
  *Players should have thorough knowledge of the game system, including advanced strategies
Please choose an attitude rating for this game:
  *Very Serious
  *Very Silly
Please choose an age rating for this game:
  *Young Audiences ONLY
  *Suitable for All Ages
  *Under 18, Parental Clearance Necessary
  *18 and Older ONLY
Any additional GMs besides you?:
Is this game part of an ongoing campaign?

Whether it is a stand-alone game or part of an ongoing campaign, how many times have you run it before?

If it has been run before, please briefly describe where and when:

Will this event require more than a single table? If so, please describe.

Serial Homicide Unit Hunt down a killer!
Incarnadine Press--The Redder, the Better!

Michael S. Miller

Looks like a-more-demanding-than-expected holiday season have gotten the better of Kat and my schedule-discipline. We're extending the deadline until Wednesday, January 7 for all events to be in to us. For all those who've sent questions, we'll get back to you as soon as we can.
Serial Homicide Unit Hunt down a killer!
Incarnadine Press--The Redder, the Better!