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Games on Demand Table Custodians

Started by SaintandSinner, August 06, 2009, 07:51:56 PM

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We have requested tables for Games on Demand

Fri 10am-2pm
Fri 2pm-6pm
Sat 10am-2pm
Sat 2pm-6pm
Sun 10am-2pm.

We need table custodians to monitor this area and to take up tickets. Please, please consider covering at least one slot. We really need 2 (two) people per slot to ensure coverage and many hands make light work. Scott Acker (Saint&Sinner) will personally pay your way into another Games on Demand slot for every slot you cover as a custodian.

Use this thread to let us know when you will cover and I'll put you in the master list. Thanks B-)



Friday, 2pm-6pm (I might be a few minutes late, as I have a shift at my booth until 2pm)
Sunday, 10am-2pm (and after, if it rolls later...)

Cool, see you there!
For the record, the only games I'm bringing are my own playtests (Perfect, Heart of Ashes), Ghost/Echo and Anima Prime (Christian Griffen's playtest).

But! I can run, without book: Don't Rest Your Head, My Life With Master, Shock: Social Science Fiction, In A Wicked Age.

I can run, with book provided: Breaking the Ice, Trollbabe, Beast Hunters, The Princes Kingdom, Shab-Al-Hiri Roach, Polaris, Contenders, Covenant, Dead Inside.

With 20 minutes of prep time, and a book provided, I could run: The Shadow of Yesterday, Sorcerer.


We still need one more person to help out at the Friday 10am-2pm slot. Come on, be a hero!  If you can help please let us know now.