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JiffyCon is looking for a few good GM's

Started by Parthenia, September 18, 2009, 12:02:40 AM

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url=]JiffyCon[/url] returns to Greenfield, and we're looking for folks to run games! This season it will be November 14th at Greenfield All Souls Church at 399 Main Street, right downtown. Check out the website for more information.

In past JiffyCons we've featured games like Dogs in the Vineyard, Shooting the Moon, 1001 Nights, games in development such as Tales of the Fisherman's Wife , Salah-ad-Din: Rise of a Leader, Misspent Youth, and board games like Mechaton. We love both the old school (Traveller) and the new fangled (shock: social science fiction). We offer games for kids as young as 8, games for a general audience, and games for adults. Our attendees have come from far and wide thoughout New England and the Midddle States! Our attendance has steadily increased over the past three years, and we couldn't have done it without the kind folks who GM, DM, and facilitate GM-less goodness.

This season, in addition to our four hour morning and afternoon games, we will offer a short game track for both adults and kids, where you can double your gaming pleasure with games you can play in two hours. We're opening it to the morning session to start, but if we get a big enough response from all you potential JiffyCon GM's we can extend this track to the afternoon.

The deadline to sign up as a GM is October 12. So bring on the games--the fully completed and published games, the ashcans, the 5 page playtests! If you have any questions about running a game, please check out the website at or email Julia at stonebabygames at gmail dot com, or you can take yourself over to the handy GM signup sheet at.

Hope to see you in November!

The JiffyCon Planning Committee