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the ART of TRoS

Started by Ben, August 31, 2002, 06:08:01 PM

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Howdy Strangers,

GII: So what kind of art is everyone hoping to see in the upcoming supplements.
Styles? Pencils, B/W Inks, Digital, ...(Jake really hopes you say B/W Inks)
Subjects?  Bloody Deaths, Warm and Fuzzy, Landscapes, outdoorscenes, charactures, your mom(er, maybe not this one)...
and whatever else

Ah what the hell,

What're your favorite pics for the core book.
And what is the best pic and WHY. (ego boosts all around)
Which pics really chap your rear.
and what is the worst pic and WHY. (that's right, build us up and then tear us down, see if you can make any of us cry!)

try to give page numbers and editions

Who is now thinking twice about this post

Be Seeing You,



I like pencil and B/W ink(happy now?). Håckan Ackegård is a personal favorite.
The art should have a clear connection to the text. Wounded guys in the healing section, coins, merchants and general stuff in the equipment section etc.
Lots of descriptive pics on everything, like those ecumberance pics. Love those. :-)
My opinion is that the gritty feel of tRoS isn't helped by uber-fantasy heroes in unrealistic armour(or chicks-in-chainmail-bikinis).
Pics of normal adventurers(as in, adventurers who dress practically) and of normal people(perhaps of the social classes).

Fave pic: The Encumberance pics, for the reasons mentioned above.

Worst pic: Page 59, 1st edition. What's it supposed to be?
Joakim (with a k!) Israelsson

Nick the Nevermet

My favorite pics in the book are the (apparent) reproductions of prints from olf fight manuals.  I think its people practicing with greatswords or something is the one that really stands out.  I think it really hits home for the gritty, historical, strategic feel of the combat system.  I'd love to see a lot of that in the Flower of Battle, as I think it'd work really well.  Nevermind the fantasy drawing; TROS is best represented by art created in the historical Europe its based on.  Inks, sketches, paintings... thats my feeling.

Beyond that, I'd need to see the book, and its inaccessible at the moment.


The "non-authentic" art should also show medieval Europe, or how the people believed the world was like(e.g. siehe and stuff). Perhaps it should go more for the Arthur/fairy-tale style? Altough that would be to step away from the present tRoS style, and I wouldn't want that.
Anyway, not so much high-fantasy feeling.
Joakim (with a k!) Israelsson

Jürgen Mayer

B/W inks are my favorite. Digital pics are better suited to a modern/future setting.

The pic I like best is the Doppelganger from Of Beasts and Men, but I'm obviously biased ;)
Jürgen Mayer
Disaster Machine Productions

Sneaky Git

Quote from: Jürgen MayerThe pic I like best is the Doppelganger from Of Beasts and Men, but I'm obviously biased ;)
Not to sound like an idiot or anything.. but, has Of Beasts and Men been released already?
Molon labe.
"Come and get them."

- Leonidas of Sparta, in response to Xerxes' demand that the Spartans lay down their arms.

Brian Leybourne

Quote from: Sneaky GitNot to sound like an idiot or anything.. but, has Of Beasts and Men been released already?

Err.. no. Although it's in the final stages of writing.

Brian Leybourne

RPG Books: Of Beasts and Men, The Flower of Battle, The TROS Companion


Quote from: Ben
And what is the best pic and WHY. (ego boosts all around)
My favourite pic is the wizard on page 125 of the revised edition.  Kind of dark and gritty... a mage with a blade in hand... just in case his spell fails.  

And remember kids... Pillage first, THEN burn.


Quote from: Sneaky Git
Quote from: Jürgen MayerThe pic I like best is the Doppelganger from Of Beasts and Men, but I'm obviously biased ;)
Not to sound like an idiot or anything.. but, has Of Beasts and Men been released already?

My guess is that Sneaky Git drew that picture...
Joakim (with a k!) Israelsson

Lance D. Allen

I assume you meant Jürgen Mayer?
~Lance Allen
Wolves Den Publishing
Eternally Incipient Publisher of Mage Blade, ReCoil and Rats in the Walls


Quote from: WolfenI assume you meant Jürgen Mayer?

Hmmm, must've gotten me head stuffed with cotton and rammed it into a hard wall somewhere...

Either that or I just can't find my way through all these quotes and stuff.
Joakim (with a k!) Israelsson