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Just a little quickie game I came up with

Started by Sylus Thane, October 08, 2002, 10:31:28 PM

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Sylus Thane

Here's a little on page game I came up with last night that I thought of maybe pitching to Cheap Ass Games. Lemme know what you think.


Monsters Under the Bed
The quickie game for your inner child.
By Jason Palenske
Copyright 2002

Smarts         Roll a d6 for every stat.

Know it all      Roll a d6-1 for each skill.
Cool Kid

OWIES- Equal to your tough. How many smacks you can take before running back to mommy to kiss your owies better.

SMACK DOWN- How many owies you can inflict. Equal to your Bully Skill.

Add your STAT to your Skill then roll 2d6, if it’s equal or less you succeed, if greater you lose.

Big-         Roll a d6 for each stat.

Scare-         Roll a d6-1 for each Skill
RocknRoll- Since all ugly monsters rock, the uglier the better. This skill goes with anything big bad and ugly.

Interpret, as you want, play, as you want. You’re a kid you can do anything.

Jonathan Walton

A ways back, I was working on something called "Childhood's End" that worked with similar themes.  More complex, though, and with loftier ideals.

Of course, you should check out Key20's "Little Fears" if you haven't already.  It's the only print game that I know of that deals with little kids and monsters (aside from playing childlings in Changeling:TD).  It's also one of the more successful indie games out there, as far as I can tell.

Also, this isn't the type of game that Cheapass usually deals with.  It's a little too freeform.  If you had a way for the kids to run around on a board and fight monsters, you might be getting closer.


Sylus Thane

I had thought about that. Maybe a board that looked like the inside of a house with poster board monsters that wandered around and little household things in each room to try and bash monsters with. Have as all the kids are over for a sleepover or camp out and then the monsters happened to pop up, that and have a randomly moving parent that makes a room safe. That or it could just be a quickie role play thing when everyone is fried and just wants a laugh instead of something serious. It was just something that ran through my head when I was burned out from working on my other game.



James Ernest of Cheapass Games emphatically does not take submissions.

If you get your idea filled out more, you might consider talking to the guys at Alien Menace - similar product line, but a lot friendlier.

There's another kid game called Juvenile Delinquents that got reviewed on recently.  Might be worth looking into to get some more ideas if you decide to flesh out MUtB.