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Universalis Art Contest

Started by Valamir, September 06, 2002, 01:33:51 PM

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Due to certain logistics issues, we are extending the "Universe Alice" Art Contest.

Ron Edwards of Adept Press has graciously offered a $50.00 prize to the winner.

The rules are simple:

We're looking for the image that best captures the spirit of "Universe Alice".  Who is she, and what does she mean to you?

Submit your web optimized artwork to
be sure to include your name and contact information.

We'll post them on our website

At the later of October 1st or whenever we've recieved at least 10 entries, Ron will judge the contest and we'll announce the winner.

All submissions remain the property of the artist.  Ramshead retains the right to use the images for promotion of Universalis and related purposes.

The first Entry is already up!


Jason L Blair

The image link for UniversAlice1.jpg is broken, senor.

EDIT: It has been fiXXored! Yeehah!
Jason L Blair
Writer, Game Designer

Bob McNamee

One thing...

If I was doing another Universe Alice (and who knows, I might) I would incorporate Coins in the image...

I had intended to, but the image just went its own way, twice!

Bob McNamee
Bob McNamee
Indie-netgaming- Out of the ordinary on-line gaming!


Trying to stack the deck, eh Bob?

Will have to get Herr Edwards to profer a ruling, it being his money and all.

Bob McNamee

I'd probably wait till after the contest... unless it came out so good I wanted to replace the other one!

First I'd have to decide what I'm doing and make the thing...

Bob McNamee
Bob McNamee
Indie-netgaming- Out of the ordinary on-line gaming!


A second entry is up on the site today.  Be sure to check it out.

Bob McNamee

Cool...lets see some more folks!

Bob McNamee
Bob McNamee
Indie-netgaming- Out of the ordinary on-line gaming!