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Frontier RPG

Started by Sylus Thane, October 03, 2002, 07:03:24 PM

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Quote from: vestiniousI am just writing to let you know that we are now using a new forum

You do not need to be a member to use this forum and so is easier for you all to use.


I didn't mean for you to ditch Yahoogroups, IMHO they're a very convenient way to build a community and share information. You cane asily change the access policies so that non-members can rad the message archive and access the files download area.

Go to the yahoogroup you manage and select Management from the menu panel on the left. Go to the Web Tools link and select Edit. You can modify the access policies to any of the resources in the group from here.

My gaming group uses a Yahoo Group to exchange information about who will turn up each week, discuss which game to play next, etc and I put player handouts and such in the files area. It's a very usefull resource, but if you can get a dedicated forum, more power to you.

Simon Hibbs
Simon Hibbs


Quote from: Sylus ThaneSo all in all, besides the fact I made it from the ground up, is that I wanted to make a game that was easy and quick to learn. Especially to new gamers. I wanted it to be quick and functional, and realistic as you wanted it to be. In a nutshell, quick, easy to learn, and flexible.

Everyone has slightly different tastes when it comes to RPG game mechanics, so I wouldn't waste too much time justifying yourself. Just go for it. All power to you!

Simon Hibbs
Simon Hibbs

Sylus Thane

I have a new revision up its available are my new web site. Its really easy to get and the rules are cleaned up so they are easier to read and follow. So far it is just basics but setting specific things will soon follow. Its available at . I also now have a new forum which I believe may have already have been posted about but here is the address . Please feel free to look it over and tell me what you think.



At the moment, rather than asking people to comment on the whole thing, I think you'd be better off asking specific questions about aspects of the game you might be having trouble with. If you ask for comments on an incomplete game, the only comments you're likely to get are just variations on "it's incomplete".

I did find the game a bit confusing. It doesn't realy lead you through the game and creating the character in a very clear or logical progression. Strange science-fantasy and swords & sorcery stuff is all mixed up. The descriptions of the races don't tell you how to generate their stats - you have to look up a seperate table.

You seem to have already picked "the low-hanging fruit", i.e. the parts of the game system and background that are the most interesting and easiest to write up. Most home grown games get little further than this, and my own games are no exception.

Simon Hibbs
Simon Hibbs

Sylus Thane

Thanks for the suggestion Simon,

If anyone could tell me what they think of the character creation and how they feel it could improve I would greatly appreciate it, There is a new revision up that I hope is easier to read and more direct.
