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Hero Wars in an Alternate setting

Started by Mike Holmes, October 18, 2002, 04:29:06 PM

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joshua neff

I was not at my best during last night's session. The kids were distracting me a bit & my car had started to overheat on the way over to Mike's, & that was worrying me. (By the way, Mike, the fluid you gave me did the trick. My car was fine all the way home. Thanks.)

Nevertheless, last night's session was really good. Both of our characters have their primary traits as "wits" essentially (my 5W trait is "Quick Wits" & Julie's character has a 5W in "Cunning"), which, as Mike noted, makes for some interesting gaming, as we both tried--& failed--to outwit & out-manipulate each other.

The Hero Wars mechanics work really well. Making up stuff on the fly (like my character's basic magic) is dead easy. The simple contests are...well, simple. I'm looking forward to expanding into extended contests.

And elaborate parties are always a hoot to roleplay.

"You can't ignore a rain of toads!"--Mike Holmes


Those kids!  Jeez, won't someone funnel a bottle of Benadryl into 'em?  Especially mine. No, seriously.  

Solani Jinya (for that is her name) is a character that is considerably more high-born and status conscious than the characters I usually play, and thus a challenge.   At her core is a 5W cunning (yes, broadly defined), a 1W attractiveness and 1W flattery/influence.  Selkai 90210.  She has yet to prove her own mettle...I suspect that is forthcoming, right?

Her interaction with Killian started out as a cross between irate snobbishness (just because we met once doesn't mean you're invited to my house and won't even tell me what you're REALLY doing here), evolved into grudging amicability (ahem, would you like the 'grand tour?') and then some admiration (heh, our parties don't usually involve jumping out of windows and kneecapping people, but they could, that was kind of fun) with a touch of suspicion (a superior told me to keep an eye on him...).  Complex, complex complex.  

I don't mind the hemming and hawing over what you call the sim details at all.  I find it hard to make a character act if the setting isn't fully developed.

Pacing is not a crucial matter here yet, and first session is a better time to hash out the "by the way" and "oh I forgot this" than later on when there's chase being given or extended contests, or firmly mentally ensconced lists of people to know and places to go.   We forgive you, Mike.    

Good pilot episode.

Mike Holmes

Quote from: JulieThose kids!  Jeez, won't someone funnel a bottle of Benadryl into 'em?  Especially mine. No, seriously.
Y'know, we should start an "actual play" thread about Child Care as it pertains to RPGs. It's really starting to become an issue, I think.  :-)  

QuoteShe has yet to prove her own mettle...I suspect that is forthcoming, right?
I certanly hope so. It is cool, though, to see development from a more child-like state to a more adult, and then heroic persona. We'll see how it goes.

QuoteI don't mind the hemming and hawing over what you call the sim details at all.  I find it hard to make a character act if the setting isn't fully developed.
Yay, a co-dependent!

QuoteGood pilot episode.

Member of Indie Netgaming
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I cannot wait read about the next session... it seems that no matter which way they go someone's side will end up betrayed... (perhaps bothsides)
Could be interesting if a few double crosses get pulled off..


P.S. I was actually surprised that ICE has more Shadow world supplements coming out... have you seen any of the new stuff Mike?

Mike Holmes

Quote from: ADGBossI cannot wait read about the next session... it seems that no matter which way they go someone's side will end up betrayed... (perhaps bothsides)
Could be interesting if a few double crosses get pulled off..
Yes, my challenge will be avoiding the characters offing each other or the like. Or, rather, ensuring that they both remain protagonists in the same story. I think that in R-Map play, that this can be problematic when the map becomes obsolete.

QuoteP.S. I was actually surprised that ICE has more Shadow world supplements coming out... have you seen any of the new stuff Mike?
Yeah, that is a bit surprising. Then again, Terry never stopped writing, really. As Shadow World was his, he just kept putting stuff out (albeit slowly) even while RM was dead. Now that it's back they've just put him back in the line.

Anyhow, I've considered buying some new stuff. Really tempted. But, then again, my longstanding complaint about RM material, and especially SW, is that they reprint everything. Did I really need the commerce tables reprinted in Eidolon when I had them in a couple of other references? IOW, I'm afraid what I buy will be short on new material.

Still, I'll probably get one of the PDFs just to see what the quality looks like (they do look nicer), and to see how much new stuff has been added. The Halkitaine book is hard to pass up as that should be mostly new (though I suspect some Jaiman stuff will be inside). Unfortunately my players aren't playing there, nor do I suspect they will travel there any time soon. That said, I can probably mentally justify it on the "who knows?" principle. ;-)

Member of Indie Netgaming
-Get your indie game fix online.


Not to get too far off topic but I was considering something similar just to see what the quality and if the rules had changed any in the SW printings.  There have been so many Reisions and Editions of RM over the past decade its hard to keep score.

Something you mentioned in one of your previous replies, about Dune being mostly about Humans.  I agree and any keywords for "magic" would be restricted... but I still think it could retain that Mythic feel.  

Anyway I await the next episode with alot of anticipation
