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Engel query

Started by sdemory, January 03, 2003, 04:23:32 PM

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Hey there, all,
   Recently picked up the Feder und Schwert/White Wolf game Engel. Lovely, lovely setting, great feel, bothersome, clunky d20 gaming system. I bought the game expecting d20 and a Tarot-based system I'd heard vague rumblings about but, alas, did not see anything Tarot based.
  I was hoping to see how a divination-type system would work within the framework of the game (I'm noodling idly with a Voudounish game that uses the Ifa as a randomizer/storytelling tool). Anyone taken a look at the German Engel release who can clue me in to how it plays?


Paul Czege

Hey Sean,

One of the game's designers, Oliver Hoffmann  has been posting on He uses the nickname Malloriel.

You can pull up his three posts via">this link to search.

You're right, apparently Engel had both card-based mechanics and d20 mechanics when it was originally released in German. A relevant quote from Oliver:

Well guys,

just to clarify: We originally put both the Arcana system and a *very* light d20 (barely enough...) in to a) make the game appealing to as many people as possible (because introducing a new game into a tight market as the german RP market is can be destructive to a smaller company like ours if it is not accepted) and b) to make overly clear which system we prefer.

We are certain that the Arcana solution is just more in keeping with ENGEL's background, but accepted WW's choice because we think a licensee should be able to do what they think fits their market situation best. Additionally, we think thy did a marvelous job converting the game into your language.

And of course, Feder & Schwert will leave no one standing in the rain who wants to use the system we love (did I mention "simple, yet elegant?"). We WILL make a .pdf of the Arcana chapter immediately after the book release in the US; I will check on the availability of the cards. Somehow we will manage this.
And btw, according to a poll we did on our hp, approx. 70-75% of the German players use the Arcana system.

Jürgen Mayer has summarized the card-based resolution mechanics as follows:

The tarot-like card system was the core mechanic of the original game, making it a more collaborative storytelling experience, with the players having influence on the story by interpreting the cards themselves. The d20 ruleset was an add-on for the people that like a more traditional RPG system.

My Life with Master knows codependence.
And if you're doing anything with your Acts of Evil ashcan license, of course I'm curious and would love to hear about your plans


Does anyone know if the PDF of the Arcana system has appeared yet?  My German stinks.
Chris Lehrich