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GMs/Volunteers wanted for Ubercon games convention

Started by Ubercon, February 02, 2003, 08:53:06 AM

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Apologies in advance if it was inappropriate to post this in this particular forum.

Ubercon is looking for volunteers to help out at its inaugaral event at the Sheraton Parsippany Hotel in Parsippany, NJ on February 14-17 2003.

One area that we are particularly keen to attract volunteers for is GMs for RPGs especially RPGA events.

Interested in volunteering at UberCon? Receive up to $55 off UberCon admission by volunteering.

Here's how you can help:
* GM a game
* Proctor at a tournament
* Assist UberCon staff
* Staff the UberCon help desks
* Just help us out!

Complete info on volunteering at Ubercon volunteers

Ubercon will be working in partnership with:

* Dark Edge Gaming
* Double Exposure, Inc
* Nightfall Productions
* Seer Productions

The current, amazing guest line up already includes:

* Greg Costikyan (of Paranoia RPG fame)
* Pete Abrams & Tom Ricket (of Sluggy Freelance fame)
* Phil & Kaja Foglio (of Girl Genius fame)
* Steve Jackson (of GURPS fame)

This allows us to offer you the chance to participate in one or all of the
following game types:

* Board
* Card
* Console
* Live Action
* Miniatures
* Tabletop RPG

** STOP PRESS ** Ubercon will also host the World Munchkin championships! **

Want a break from gaming ?

* Attend a seminar on a variety of subjects, some of which will be hosted by
one or more of our special guests!
* Enjoy stunning art exhibits
* Shop to your heart's content from the myriad of vendors in the Exhibit

Highlights include

* Steve Jackson 24-Hour Game Room - some events to be run by the man himself
* Art contest - to be judged by Phil & Kaja Foglio and Pete Abrams.
* Debut of the Get Nifty CCG based on Sluggy Freelance

Ubercon is also offering reduced airfares and room discounts for all

Online booking/registration and event schedules.

For further information please visit the Ubercon website at

Chris Caley
Web publicist and researcher