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introduction & thank you

Started by xig, March 29, 2003, 07:25:17 AM

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I just want to say hello, and to thank The Forge, Ron and Clinton for setting up this forum.

I also want to thank everyone who likes, bought, or supports Starchildren, and all the game designers who came before.

If there's anything I can do to help anyone out, or anything you'd really like to see, just mention it - I've been running XIG Games for about 3 years "on the side" and XIG Networks (most any computer stuff) for somewhat less.  So I'm far from knowing everything about how to run a company, but I'm happy to help if I can.

Ask me anything.

Ron Edwards


It's good to have you here.

Cue soundtrack of Velvet Goldmine.


Mike Holmes

Can I be forum lead guitar?

I've already had a tryout. :-)

Oh, and what took you so long?!?

Member of Indie Netgaming
-Get your indie game fix online.


In part, I dropped the ball on some things.  In part someone's email server apparently behaving badly.  That someone shall remain nameless, but it isn't me : )

Ask me anything.

Ron Edwards

It was moi, I guess. I've been pestering the XIG guys to get a forum since before last year's GenCon, and they've been pestering me to set it up, already, and for some reason neither swarm of pests managed to contact one another until now.



Quote from: Ron Edwards
Cue soundtrack of Velvet Goldmine.

That's so excellent.  I bought Starchildren a few weeks ago at Gamestorm 2003 in Portland, and read it in the car on the way home to Seattle.  The first thing I did on getting home was go hunt up my copy of the Velvet Goldmine soundtrack :)

I'm glad to see XIG games come to the Forge.

Jürgen Mayer

Wow, a XIG forum on the Forge, neat!
Rock on!
Jürgen Mayer
Disaster Machine Productions