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Donjon Goal Awards guidelines

Started by Matt Wilson, August 08, 2003, 05:55:20 PM

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Matt Wilson

Did I miss something on that in the game text? I'm wondering what a good goal award number is. In the sample adventure it looks like goals are worth far more per character than monsters.

Anyone have any suggestions?

Clinton R. Nixon

To be honest, I'd have to look at the text to remember. I'll respond this weekend.
Clinton R. Nixon
CRN Games


According to dah rules: a Goal award is usually DL + the difficulty of the task.  So for example, as I recall the river was Hard to cross, so at DL1, getting across should have been worth 7 xp for each of us.

As I'm rereading the rules, Its suddenly coming back to me what a nice, tightly crafted system Donjon really is.