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[PR] ePublisher Guide Released!

Started by rpghost, April 25, 2003, 10:50:56 PM

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Couldn't help myself not making a point overhere. These guys offer a book with their advice on epublishing and they have a doupt or confusion 2 days later about ecomments.
I don't know but this could form a doupt in my mind too.


You're making no sense. Cause there was a misunderstanding as to what was meant, why does that have any bearing on the quality of a book helping people get published online?

The simple fact was that the comments on RPGNow were being very much abused. Co-workers were leaving comments, people who didn't ever see a product where bashing other publishers, etc. It was a mess. The only way to fix that was to only allow the comments system to be used by people who have purchased a book. All the rest of the comments are set to the forums.

The publisher has the ability to nag the customers for comments. They have the ability to add an automatic thank you note that can nag for them too. It is not RPGNow's job to spam the customer base to leave more comments.

Sure we WISH people used comments more, but we're not going to try to pull them from them. That kind of presure is left up the the publisher which usually comes in some form of bribe (extra materials).



You said:
There was a mess in RPGnow: "The simple fact was that the comments on RPGNow were being very much abused. Co-workers were leaving comments, people who didn't ever see a product where bashing other publishers, etc. It was a mess"
and right afterwards you said that the mess you limited it to the forums: " All the rest of the comments are set to the forums."
and now you act like you didn't know.

Well that shows somehow immaturity to me so I am asking myself if I could trust your "seniority"  in this educative matter of professionalism.
Why do you ask to the forums about comments and not directly in the book?
You said that you know that in the forums can be a mess. This post of mine for example seems to be one. And propably this mess won't help you out because there are so much books and products one can buy out there: this means advertising in every way is not sure to help you.
Today, a product to appeal for being bought has to seem interesting in its launching or advertising but yet not making a fussy campaign. And this counts more the more expensive is the product and the more it is destined for a community with a nature of collectionism.
And your product is really expensive for an ebook towards the rpg community.

Last words: It never gave me a good impression for an rpg product when I saw the producer or developer replying to forum messages about it ( and your product is propably about making impressions to your market and heck it sort of fails to me propably there): but of course this is just me.
And what would I do?: 1)Personally advertise it only on my web site and 2)offer copies to playtesters and reviewers of the major zines and review sites and hope for a good conclusion.

Ron Edwards


This isn't the place for this discussion, folks. Take it to another venue.
