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Fidelity vs. Integrity

Started by lumpley, June 02, 2003, 08:55:02 PM

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I'm inclined to think of Fidelity as being adherence to the agreed nature of the elements to be explored, namely Character, System, Setting, Situation, and Color.

Lo-Fi/Hi-Fi are a black and white measure of how strictly players are expected or required to observe the Fidelity of any given element. Opposite ends of a Fidelity spectrum.

Lo-Fi suggests that adherence to the agreed nature of a particular element is not strictly enforced and may be overridden by other player priorities. Likewise, a Hi-Fi element would be one where Fidelity is very strictly enforced even at the expense of other player priorities.

I think of Integrity as being how true the agreed upon nature of each element is to the source(s) on which it is based. This is the subjective opinion of each player based on how closely the agreed upon nature of each element matches their own expectations.

In practice the closest our group gets to establishing Fidelity/Integrity is when we have our pre first session get together to discuss the forthcoming game, what we want it to be about and what everyones expectations are.