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Sorcerer site down?

Started by ninguable, July 22, 2003, 06:47:23 PM

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I went to buy Charnel Gods but both the Gilded Moose and the Sorcerer sites are down. And with Gencon coming up I suppose it'll take a while to get them back up. Just to let you know. :)


Ron Edwards

Hi N,

Welcome to the Forge!

Thanks for the information. The gnomes, or rather, Clinton, let me know that the site should be up and running later today.



For God sakes yes, get the site back up!  People need to buy Charnel Gods!

Although if you're going to be at GenCon, you can hold off and purchase the spiffy print version.  It's the same as the PDF, just perfectbound.

And I have no idea what's up with my website, or Actionroll in general.  Maybe I should inquire down in the Mystic Ages forum.  I think I will.

- Scott


Save you the trouble.  Actionroll got hit by some websquatter deal.  Nathan's emailed me about it and his host assures him they'll have it straightened out this week (hopefully today, but I'm not holding my breath)...the Uni site is down too.


Too late, I already posted my inquiry.  But thanks for the update...I was worried that something permanent had happened without me knowing about it.

And the Sorcerer site is back up folks.

- Scott