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Started by realms_creator, September 07, 2003, 08:15:29 AM

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Can anyone on this site put me in contact with a nice publisher?



First off, welcome to the Forge!

I think your question might fit better HERE or HERE, but what do I know? I'm not an Admin.

realms_creator said:

QuoteCan anyone on this site put me in contact with a nice publisher?

Well, fellow Alabamian, I'd say you're you're logged on to one: The World Wide Web.

What do you want to publish?
<>< Jason Sims, just some guy from

IndieNetgaming: where RPG Theory becomes Actual Play

Ron Edwards


This website is dedicated to independent publishing, which means if you're working on a game, then we can help you learn to publish it yourself, here in this forum. It's not a site where you can learn about submitting your game design materials to anyone else.

If you're interested in independent publishing, then please spend some time reading the forums and the sticky posts at the top of the Site Discussion forum.

Freelance services such as art, layout, and other skills, however, may be presented in the Connections forum. If that's what you had in mind, then please feel free to do so there.

Jason, it was nice of you to reply, but when dealing with posts like this, let me or Clinton step in, or at least wait a day or so to give us a chance.



Yea I ran up on your site a few days ago. Sorry I did not read a little more before I made my post.

If anyone needs help from freelance writers to art work let me know. We have a great group who would not mind helping others out.



Ron Edwards said:

QuoteJason, it was nice of you to reply, but when dealing with posts like this, let me or Clinton step in, or at least wait a day or so to give us a chance.

Noted and recorded. It was not my intention to usurp...just trying to help. Sorry about that.
<>< Jason Sims, just some guy from

IndieNetgaming: where RPG Theory becomes Actual Play