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Engel Arkana Rules in English!

Started by Jonathan Walton, August 22, 2003, 03:47:48 PM

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Jonathan Walton

You heard right!

I'm not sure whether Feder & Schwert actually counts as an indie company, but everything seems to be controlled by Oliver & Oliver (though they hire a few people to do additional art and writing).

In any case, in my short breezing through of the PDF, I have to say that the design is everything I hoped it would be.  Imagine Everway, but the players get to interpret the cards they draw and how they impact the narrative.  Very much an aesthetic-driven game, so you might not get all of it if you don't have the English version of the setting (released by White Wolf's Sword & Sorcery studios with horrid d20 rules).  It's a game that could have been designed on the Forge.  Has that kind of feel to it.

Oh yeah, and the graphic design is the hottest thing this side of Nobilis.

Furthers my growing belief that Europe is where a lot of exciting game design is happening, partially because d20 isn't as ubiquitous there.

Gotta to play this sometime soon.  Anyone in the Raleigh or Cleveland area want to try some post-apocalyptic angel-punk?