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Skill System Woes

Started by Seidaku, August 11, 2003, 04:44:45 AM

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Quote from: Mike HolmesGood idea, but there's a problem Fred. Already we can see that the odds of 1 v 1 is not 50%. That's OK if it's an IGO UGO system, but the effect does decrease with higher levels. So in a fight between two guys with level 100, you have more than a 98% chance of failure. Talk about your whiff factor.

Damn, you're right.  I hadn't extended it out on the other axis.  My bad.

Walt Freitag

Hi Fred,

Go with Mike's suggestion if what you want is for the probability of success to depend on the ratio of the two skill levels, so a 2 vs. a 1 would have the same chance (75%) as a 200 vs. a 100, while a 101 vs. a 100 would be very close to even.

On the other hand, you might prefer the probability of success to depend on the difference between the two skill levels -- while still staying below 1.0 no matter how high the difference becomes. So, a 2 vs. a 1 would have the same chance as a 101 vs. a 100, while a 200 vs. a 100 would have the same (extremely high, but not quite guaranteed) chance as a 101 vs. a 1. In that case, you want (using Mike's notation):

C = 100% - (50% / (x ^ ((H-L)/y)))

This gives a 50% chance when H=L, and the chance of failure for H decreases by a factor of x for every y points by which H exceeds L. For instance,

C = 100% - (50% / (2.0 ^ ((H-L)/4.0)))

means that H has a 75% chance of success when H is 4 greater than L, an 87.5% chance of success (that is, one eighth chance to fail) when H is 8 greater than L, a 93.75% chance of success (that is, one sixteenth chance to fail) when H is 12 greater than L, and so forth.

See my old Symmetry thread for a discussion of the implications of this. You can ignore the parts about the actual dicing mechanism, and concentrate on the discussion of the underlying math and the ramifications in play.

- Walt

PS Mike's formula for code use should be C=.5+((H-L)/H*.5). Mine would be C = 1.0 - .5  / (x ^ ((H-L)/y)).
Wandering in the diasporosphere