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Started by Mike Holmes, August 15, 2003, 09:38:22 PM

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Mike Holmes

Where are we at, people? Lot's of promised additions never materialized. Should we be waiting, or does anyone want to pass on their places? Any status reports would be good.

Member of Indie Netgaming
-Get your indie game fix online.

Brian Leybourne

Uh... yeah... :-)

Sorry Mike. RL has been taking its toll since I got back from South America, and what free RPG time I have had has been TFOB stuff. I will get to it though.

Brian Leybourne

RPG Books: Of Beasts and Men, The Flower of Battle, The TROS Companion

Mike Holmes

Cool Brian. No rush, I just wanted to keep an eye on where we're at.

Anyone else?

Member of Indie Netgaming
-Get your indie game fix online.


I've been away from the boards lately, as I am job hunting. Amarillo, texas, isnt terribly big in the IT market, and as my wife wants to stay here to be close to family, I may have to consider a career change. Or start my own business.

Nick the Nevermet

my summer of Hell has ended.  I passed my competency exam, and my life can start up again.  I've been posting very erratically for the last month or so, but I should be back to posting regularly now.

Give me a week to see what I promised to do, and get something hobbled together.  

Sorry if I caused problems
