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Questioning Jack Spencer Jr.'s View of Solo Play

Started by M. J. Young, September 18, 2003, 03:03:44 AM

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Ron Edwards

Hi guys,

Jack and M.J., think this one's ready for closing? Going once ...


Jack Spencer Jr

I'll let MJ decide that. I think I might have hit all the nails put before me with my last post, especially snce I got a clearer picture of where MJ was coming from. Let's see if he needs any further clairification.

M. J. Young

No, I'm good. Close it.

As an aside, my first efforts at novel writing were of that sort, and they fizzled because they went nowhere. I realized that not knowing the direction the story was to take crippled it, so my next effort was far too structured--I gave myself timetables for when major events were to happen relative to the calendar in the story world, and then couldn't really make it flow. (Looking back, it strikes me that I was attempting to create realistic time and distance in my characters' travels using what would be highly structured mechanics--which is very odd, considering that I'd never heard of role playing games then.) So I find that if I want a novel to go somewhere, I've got to know where it's going, but to work out the details of how to get there along the way.

--M. J. Young