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Artists: Adept Press is looking for you

Started by Ron Edwards, October 13, 2003, 05:27:52 PM

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Ron Edwards


I have some projects that need some art.

Check out the Trollbabe site to see the series so far. I have a few stories for which the illustrators seem to have vanished, so I need folks fast.

Trollbabe illustrators don't get paid, but (a) neither do I, and (b) you do own the art/strips for your own commercial purposes. Make t-shirts, publish them as mini-comics, whatever.

Yup, Elfs is going to hard-copy format (h'mm, not the best choice of words). It will be a digest-sized soft-cover, in black and white - in fact, I'm looking for a "graphic" or "logo" type image rather than a traditional illustration. Set it up as black on a white background panel, which will be set on a black cover.

This one'll be paid, say, um, $50. As always, if you draw it, you own it.

This is for people who really like the setting I presented in Sex & Sorcery, the insectoid Heavy-Metal fantasy stuff. I'd like to put together a gallery for the website, and I'm not sure about payment or anything like that. This might be a kind of "fan art contribution" section.


Ron Edwards

I'm also interested in illustrations for Black Fire and Mongrel, the two alpha game-designs I wrote for my Gamism and Simulationism essays, respectively. Please check out the games first.

Payment for these will not follow the Adept Press $100 rules, but are cut down to $50 instead.

Oh, and if you have any questions about the art for this thread, post them here, but if you're just offering to be be included, then contact me privately.


Christian N. St. Pierre

Mr. Edwards,

I am interested in helping you out on the projects you mentioned. I am mainly concernerd with paying work. Please contact me if you still need a hand.

Christian N. St. Pierre
Christian N. St. Pierre

Colin the Riot

I'm interested as well.  I've done work for Paul Czege's "My Life With Master" and *Luke Crane's "Burning Wheel".

Ask them about me, or check out some samples on my site at

The digital art section's not complete yet, but the site's only 2 days old.

You can contact me via that site, or PM me here.
Colin Theriot,
a.k.a. Teh Clawring Crabe