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Familiars in Donjon

Started by joe_llama, October 12, 2003, 12:07:24 PM

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I was getting nostalgic about the days "back then, when we used to roleplay with no boundaries" (today we don't play at all), so I decided to buy Donjon and play it with my old group.

One of the players in my group created a Gandalf-like character and he wants one of his Supporting Abilities to be a wizard's familiar, like a raven or imp.

How would you handle this? Is there a way to have the familar as a Supporting Ability or should it be a whole new character/NPC?



Oops! I just noticed this thread:

If you have any other advanced thoughts on the subject I'd still like to hear about it :)


Clinton R. Nixon

I'm still a very big fan of "finding" an animal companion like you would treasure. This establishes its abilities, and its Worth, which allows the GM to destroy it.
Clinton R. Nixon
CRN Games