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[Forge East] Like a Pheonix from the ashes.

Started by LordSmerf, November 14, 2003, 04:01:07 PM

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If you've been keeping up with the Death of Forge East thread then you know we've been talking about more Forge presence at cons.

I'd like to go ahead and propose planning for some of the big 2004 cons now.  Luke said he'd be at DragonCon, among others.  Ok, then i'll go ahead and commit to being at DragonCon for the express purpose of pushing Forge stuff...  If we go ahead and start planning now, figure out what cons we want to hit and see if we can drum up some support for each one, we should be able to increase the visibility of the Forge and indie-RPGs in general.  What do you guys think?

Current projects: Caper, Trust and Betrayal, The Suburban Crucible



Right now i want to only commit to being at

Gazebo of Games (April 30th -?)
Ubercon 3 (Feb)
and I-CON (march)

I'm hoping I will have a Playable version of Bad Muthas done by Ubercon and a Small run Print Version of Bad Muthas done by Gazebo of Games

I will know more by New Years as to my plans and or restrictions by New year.

So I'm all ears
J. Carpio "Dregg"
Gaming Coordinator I-CON (
Chapter 13 Press co founder(
Column Writer "Lights, Camera, Action!" (


i will be at 6 smaller local area cons between now and "the big cons".

I'll also be at Origins, GenCon and DragonCon. I plan on having a BW/Nerdnyc booth at these big cons.

If I have the games displayed on the table, the best thing to do would be to stop by for a few hours and hang out at the table -- hopefully to hook a few people for a demo. Equally important would be to schedule a "Forge" game during the con (and aggressively promote and gather players for it).

Just like GenCon, booth space is a real issue. It can get crowded! Doing non-booth stuff is equally important.
