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Online TROS game.

Started by Mikaboshi, December 09, 2003, 10:44:40 AM

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Hey first post to this forum but have been lurking and reading it for a week or two now.

First off I would like to thank Jake for writing the game that I always wanted to play.

To be honest I dont even have the book yet ( but I do have OBAM funnily enough ) but I have read these forums and the quickstart rules and I already know that I am going to love this game, its eveything that I found lacking in every other rpg I have ever played and just wish it was released back when I first started gaming.

But anyway on to my point, I am getting the book after christmass when i have money but want to play as soon as possible. I was wondering if there are any games played online through a message board or play by e-mail type ting. most of you seem to be from the us and myself from europe as well as a hectic life i wouldnt be able to commit myself to a regular regular game played over irc or openrpg or some such way.

But i always manage to find a few minutes each day to jump on the pc and would love to play in an online game.

Any such games out there ?
" He who makes a beast of himself get's rid of the pain of being a man. "


I'd be happy to join such a game too.  If we can grab a couple more people we can start one.


Yeah would be good, but all we need now is another 3 or so players and more importantly someone to run it :(

Christmass is so far away, I have to wait till then to get the book but i need some TROS action straight away.
" He who makes a beast of himself get's rid of the pain of being a man. "


Where do you guys game on-line?

A few friends of mine who have all scattered to the four winds are thinking about gaming together on-line.  Any ideas on how or where to do so?


Trevis Martin

Some good places for games are - Its a bulliten board with a dice roller option and so forth.  Threads are a great way to organize scenes.  I'm currently in a Sorcerer game over there.  

If you're looking for IRC chat play you might try the #tros or #indierpgs channel on the server.  I know there is a recent tros thread discussing how to do irc if you aren't familiar with it.

You if you prefer a wiki format you could consult with Cilnton about trying a game in the Anvilwerks RPG Laboratory. our open Universalis game is being hosted there.

Other common ways are though yahoo groups (which anyone can start) but the security there keeps out dice roller servers from posting.



Lance D. Allen

I will suggest OpenRPG. It's an annoying program to download and install, but with the right preparation (which I and a couple friends have done) it does a good job of speeding up gameplay from what would normally be much slower in a purely text-based game. The "mini map" feature is also good for a good many things other than minis (which I don't use) so long as you're creative.

If you're interested in checking out the program, try to catch me on AIM, YIM or ICQ, and I'll walk you through some of it's features.
~Lance Allen
Wolves Den Publishing
Eternally Incipient Publisher of Mage Blade, ReCoil and Rats in the Walls

November Kilo

I'd be in for a game, though I'll warn you I'm novice TROS and online RPGing.  I'd prefer a online meeting place like the OpenRPG thing mentioned as opposed to PBEM - but haveing done neither before, I can be convinced.  Been lurking here for months, aching to play...
November Kilo


I have been a lurker too. I am in the process of starting an online game at

It is called TROS: Drenai Tales and can be found in the Fantasy Games section. There is nothing in it yet as I am still in the process of setting it up. The game is set in the David Gemmell's Drenai fantasy setting from his series of books (e.g. Legend, Waylander, The White Wolf etc. The Riddle of Steel seems made for the Drenai setting. You can find information on the following websites about the Drenai and David Gemmell:

I haven't decided when to place the campaign in the Drenai timeline. Any suggestions would be gratefully accepted.

If you haven't used RPOL, check it out. It has a useful Help section to get you started.

I hope some of you are interested.


is this rpol thing a forum run game ?

cause if it is i would love to play. i have read some gemmel and find his books great, its reading gemmel that got me interested in tros.

i havent got the book yet but i am getting ot for christmass off my very lovely 4 foot 10 sword wielding girlfriend :)

but i think i know enough for getting by.

er i have read, legend, the king beyond the gate, waylander, the legend of deathwalker, druss the legend the first chronicles and dark moon if that kelps or hinders your game any ?
" He who makes a beast of himself get's rid of the pain of being a man. "


Mikaboshi: RPOL is a forum based game. It's great that you have read so many of the books as knowledge of the Drenai could be useful. I'm thinking of setting it just after the end of the War of the Twins, an apocalyptic war refered to at the end of the Quest for Lost Heroes and Winter Warriors. Gemmell has not written about this period, leaving it open to Senschenal invention. Another two possibilites is about ten years before Legend, giving the characters a chance to meet Druss, or after Winter Warriors. The post Winter Warriors setting is another period of turmoil with doubts over the succession in Drenai and Ventria.

What do you think?


well to be honest i would prefer a game set after any books as you dont want to worry about interfereing with anything from the books, but thats just me.

havent read quest for lost heroes or winter warriors, but might be in the near future.

will have access to the tros book after christmass but am sure i would be able to wing it till then.

have you any other people that want to play ? how soon would you be intending to start ? how often do you expect posts and how lethal are you going to be playing with the pc's ? i have been in too many games where the pc's were all but unkillable and games where they lasted only hours and somewhere in between is where i want to be but tros seems suited for this.

i take it characters are going to be drenai then ? if you let me play i will need help in creating a character.
" He who makes a beast of himself get's rid of the pain of being a man. "


Im unfamiliar with any of the Drenai stuff, but I would most certainly like to play. sounds like fun. I just signed up for rpol, so I would be willing to start whenever.
A muppet is just a cross between a mop and a puppet.


I'd be happy to join in too, so long as you don't mind that I haven't read any of David Gemmel's books.


Thanks for the interest guys. To answer your questions:

Currently only Mikaboshi, Krammer and one other have expressed interest, but I have not advertised on RPOL yet. I don't want anymore than four or five anyway. We probably won't start until the New Year. I have quite a bit of background work to do and not a lot of free time until after Christmas. I imagine a few potential players might be in the same situation. If you want to Request Access to start creating characters, then be my welcome guest.

Lethality should be standard TROS. That is, very lethal to the careless, thoughtless and reckless. I prefer to strike a balance where there is genuine risk to the characters, but only bad luck on the dice or poor decision making result in death. I think that meshes with TROS and Gemmell's approach.

I'm not sure whether the game will take place in Drenai or elsewhere. Either way, the characters would not have to be Drenai. I think planning a Drenai character would be a safe bet, as it will fit it to any planned campaign. I'd like the characters to have some sort of common thread running through them (e.g. all Drenai or link to Drenai or have some sort of similar beliefs or code). I find it jarring to try and fit a campaign around a bunch of unrelated characters. The SA's should help there. What I intend to do is set up a thread for all the players to discuss their character's and SA's during character construction.

I will also help players design their characters and intend to run a short prequel with pregenerated characters. Much like a Gemmell prologue.

I'm pretty sure I'll run the campaign between Quest for Lost Heroes and Winter Warriors. It would not interfere with any of the books because it is a large window of time with Gemmell having written anything on it. There is probably about 120 years between the books. Lots of scope. I hope that suits everybody.

Anyone interested in playing based on what I have written so far sign up to RPOL and Request Access from: