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[EmberWorld] Hammering out an exhaustive History

Started by Troy_Costisick, December 30, 2003, 07:22:16 PM

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The time has come for us at Twilight Press to begin work on our next book for our campaign setting.  Our plan is to do an in-depth book on the recently rediscovered New Lands of our world.  We've gotten a rough draft history worked and that is what I really need some input on.  For from the history of a world, all else springs.  I would really like input on how we handle religion and education.  Also, how the societies evolve is something I'd like for you to take a look at and decide if they appear logical.

The history we have now seems complete to us, but as creators our eyes and minds are tainted.  There are things we may take for granted that we know have always been, but a new observer does not have that knowledge and therefore may not understand what we are trying to say.  Therefore, if any in this MB would be kind enough to read over our history, it would be most greatly appreciated.  Follow the link below:
The first file is the overall history of our world that appears in our EmberWorld core book.  The second file is our rough draft of the history of the New Lands starting at the War of Thunders.  I apologize for the length, but it is our goal here to create the most complete and thorough history we can.  Below is a little glossary of terms that will help you if you do not have our EmberWorld campaign setting (which I am assuming most of you do not)

-Anlin Rafterson: A NPC historian in EmberWorld.  He is the IC "author" of the EmberWorld guide book and the history of the New Lands.

-AGL: Stands for "After the Great Lesson".  The Great Lesson was a catastrophe created by the gods to punish mortals.  AGL is used to measure time in much the same way BC/AD or BCE/CE are used today.

-Caesa: Goddess of luck and fortune

-Middual: God of Pride

-Victous: God of Valor

-Tal-yanna: Goddess of Mercy

-War of Thunders:  An apocalyptic (or near apocalyptic really) war between the elves and orks of our world that resulted in the deaths of each of thier gods.

-Elves and Orks:  These two peoples are not native inhabitants of EmberWorld.  They "descended from the heavens" according to legend.  Ork is used more as a genus category for species like goblin, troll, ogre etc.  It does not just mean "orcs".

-The New Lands: Once the area the Ancient Elven Empire encompassed.  Now a feral land ruled by orkish nations.

-Ancient Elven Empire:  The "golden age" of EmberWorld where the elves ruled most of the known world and times were good.

-The New Elven Empire: The elven nation now in the continent of Ganworr.  It has no relation to the Ancient Empire and is not descended from it.  Several centuries passed before the elves recouped enough to try to rebuild a nation-state of their own.

-Ganworr and Thrasn:  Two continents in the "Old World."

-The Philosophic Age:  The third and final age in the Ancient Elven Empire.  It was a time of decadence and moral decay.

Thank you for all your time and effort.  It is greatly appreciated.





It occured to me that folks may have trouble getting into yahoogroups without a membership.  Therefore here is a username and passwork I created to let anyone on these forums check out the files in this group:

username: emberbook182
password: twilight182

That should help.

Thanks again :)

