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GenCon Forge Booth at Indy 2004

Started by Troy_Costisick, January 17, 2004, 03:52:55 PM

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Heya guys,

Mainly this is for Ron.  Are you going to be running a booth similar to the one you did last year at Indy?  If so, where do I sign my company up and where do I send the check?  If I missed the announcement, I appologize, but I just didnt see it in this forum anywhere.

Thank you very much,

-Troy Costisick

Ron Edwards

Hi Troy,

Boy, everyone thinks I'm way more organized than I am. GenCon preparation this year will depend on a few things.

1. Whatever changes Peter & Co. make to the GenCon exhibitor rules - they may entail different limitations and opportunities from what we're used to. So planning without knowledge about that seems premature.

2. We'll have to come up with some alternative form of money-input. Frankly, I made tons of money on my own sales, well in excess of what I'd spend if I were just running an Adept Press booth. But I spent a hell of a lot of money aimed directly for others' benefit, and even though everyone involved held up their end of the deal, the deal really just doesn't make it worthwhile for me. So that has to get redefined as well.

The good news is that I anticipate working all of this out by the end of February, and I am committed to a hell of a Forge presence at GenCon this year, again. So consider yourself "pre-signed" and make sure and get after me again about it, around that time.



Heya Ron,

Thanks for the prompt reply.  I look forward to working with you on this in Feb.




Hi Ron and Troy,
I'm new to posting here but have lurked for a few years.
I would be interested in helping with the Forge Booth, including fees. I'm a new game publisher out of Kansas and will be putting out an rpg this summer along with a card game later in the year.

I've seen a lot of great advice on this site and would enjoy working with other Forge personalities in running a booth, even helping with the design of the marketing of it.

Let me know. I'll check back every few days. If nothing gets going by the end of Feb. then I'll probably go it my own in March.
Thank you,