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naked dwarf question

Started by brigadoon, February 01, 2004, 12:14:12 AM

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rather than using toughness as a full modifier each round has anyone treated toughness as a variable stat?

I was thinking if you have a toughness of 6 and an armor value of 3 that subtracts upto 9 successes each hit.  So let's say your advesary gets 7 successes on you that would remove 3 for the armor and and 4 for your toughness...leaving you with 2 TGN for the next attack i.e. able to handle an attack up to 5 successes without damage on the next hit.  Additionally allowing the regaining of 1 TGN point at the begining of every combat round when you recover your combat pool.

Has anyone tried something similar to this?


I particularly like this idea of toughness negating strength.
It increases the likelihood of one being hit, and hit hard.. even though you might get hit hard by say, a peasant. So with my character's TO of 7, I would be able to negate a strength up to 7.. which is good, but more importantly to me.. it puts additional emphasis on the margin of success. I just think that speaks of how concentrated the attacker is on making his attack count. So it also modifies the dice allocation in combat. If you're going up against someone you perceive as being quite tough, you had better concentrate more on landing your blow successfully(putting more dice into your attack), than just saying 'with my strength of 6 and my weapon damage..all I would need to kill this guy would be a margin of 3'.
It also opens up more of a possibility of finding one's self on the receiving end of a bad combat situation. With the dice allocation bit, if you fail on an attack with the majority of your CP.. you're left more open for an attack yourself..thus adding to the 'oh shit' factor. To me that makes combat more deadly.. and makes alot of things more important rather than strength and toughness.. it says 'skill outweighs strength or toughness'.

And I think that's what DND never had, and TROS tries to do.. put more into skill than into brute strength.. and now we've just tweaked it to the point where skill makes the ultimate difference. Strategy too, but that can be equated to dice allocation and terrain roles and teamwork etc.

Sorry for the rant, but I'm happy that I found all of this information here.. and I hope to try it out our next session.


I let my players (and of course NPCs) substract 1/2 of Toughness, rounded up and roll for each TO poibt left a dice against a TN depending on his AV. For example Leather with AV 2 the TN is 7.
Every success is substracted from damage.
Brawling damage with bare hand: all TO is substracted from damage without throwing dices.
"Der beisst nicht, er will nur spielen...",
Herald von Faust, stahlnish Beastmaster