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Weapon Traits

Started by Calithena, January 26, 2004, 11:52:57 AM

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Lorenzo Rubbo-Ferraro

Should we have the elaborate descriptions or keep it to simple point based lines? Sticking more to Calithena's original post should we just write down cliches/aphorisms?

There are probably a lot of resources for deatailed weapon descriptions; internet, library, GURPS supplements etc...

However I'm happy to continue as is. Any suggestions?


One nice resource is Stone's A Glossary of the Construction, Decoration, and Use of Arms and Armor.  Palladium cribbed from this heavily when they did their little booklets on various types of weaponry.

As to what needs to be listed, that's Calithena's call.  Somebody mentioned TRoS here -- how do they do it?  (I admit, I haven't read it yet, sorry, sorry, I'm a weenie....)

Chris Lehrich
Chris Lehrich

Lorenzo Rubbo-Ferraro

Wow, just checked out that book at Amazon! I wanttsss it. I neeedss it. My preciousss.

Lorenzo Rubbo-Ferraro

Ok, for sake of ease I am going to only write down weapon aphorisms as requested by Calithena. Let's focus on the simple clichés that weapons possess. Here's what to do so that I don't have to keep maintaining the list:

1.   Copy this entire post.
2.   Add/change aphorisms.
3.   Replace this introduction with a change log (e.g. added 2 dagger advantages, added new weapon: Sword etc.)


- Good for breaking through hard objects; barrels, doors, helmets, armour, skulls.
- Devastating in combat but
- Can be easily be made impromptu from stone, bones or branches.
- Very slow to wield. They must be swung in a large arc for the momentum to deliver the weight for serious damage.
- The weapon relies on the users strength for effectiveness.

- Great for battering an enemies shield or armour.
- Even greater damage potential when swung from a height (such as horseback) for more momentum.
- Like the club in weight but even heavier and slower to wield.
- The weapon relies on the users strength for effectiveness.
- The sheer weight could hinder movement and would need to be dropped to seriously flee a fight.
- It may get stuck in armour.

- A soldier could reach out from his saddle to strike his enemy with the sharp claw and puncture his enemy's metal helmet. This kind of blow to the head could be fatal, killing instantly.
- The weapon relies on the users strength for effectiveness.
- Like the club in weight but even heavier and slower to wield.
- The sheer weight could hinder movement and would need to be dropped to seriously flee a fight.
- It may get stuck in armour.

- Can strike multiple areas of the opponent
- If not used with caution it can swing back and cause injury to the possessor.
- It may get stuck in armour or the chains may wrap around an object

- Small, light and easy to carry
- Excellent for concealment in covert operations.
- Useful in hand-to-hand fighting or for throwing.
- Knuckle dusters could also be incorporated into the handle.
- Handy for making breakfast with or carving your initials in a tree.
- Good when thrown suddenly from surprise, except against protagonists.
- Fast loading and throwing time – about 15 per minute.
- Excellent secondary weapon when your primary one is lost or broken.
- Poor reach and small blade make it fairly lousy for hand to hand combat except against foes using clubs, daggers, or fists.
- Can only be thrown about 25 metres.

- Severe deterent for horses.
- Can be used to pull opponents from their horses.
- Great power from leverage can be acheived because of the length.
- Difficult to use in close quarter combat.
- Very Encumbersome.