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[Mortal Coil] Fortune-less Rules

Started by Brennan Taylor, February 22, 2004, 04:03:38 PM

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Brennan Taylor

I have finished a draft version of my supernatural game Mortal Coil, and have playtested it with a small group of friends. The rules have no fortune mechanic, and instead use a resource-managment system to determine outcome of actions.

The playtest exceeded even my expectations. I thought there would be many more kinks to work out, but in the end, it went so smoothly I was shocked. The rules are designed for a modern-day supernatural setting, but the playtest was run in the Harry Potter universe. This adjustment worked exceedingly well, so much so that one of the players asked to use the system for a fantasy session. The fantasy session also went very smoothly, giving the combat system a workout.

I am curious what Forge-users might think of this system, and I have posted the .pdf version of the rules to my site. These include everything except the actual magical powers and spells (far too much material to expect anyone to read through). The rules can be found here:

Mortal Coil Rules

I want to know how playable this seems to everyone, and if the rules are clear enough to be used by folks other than me. Also, if you see any major system snags that might come up, let me know. For reference, most spells and powers range in cost from 1 to 11 magic tokens.