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[Terrae Novae] Tables

Started by Kilor Di, March 30, 2004, 10:10:47 PM

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Kilor Di and then click on Terrae Novae.

I'm having troubles with the table-work in the game (experience tables, gold/credit tables, etc.)  Any suggestions on how to create such tables would be appreciated.  Thank you.
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I'm not sure what you're asking.  Do you mean how to actually create tables in some kind of word processor?  Or how best to format them (for ease of use and visual appeal)?
Jasper McChesney
Primeval Games Press

Kilor Di

No, I can figure that stuff out on my own.  What I meant was, how do I determine how much experience one needs to reach levels 1-100, or however many levels I decide to put in the game.  (sheesh, I haven't even thought of what the maximum level will be in the game yet.  maybe I'll just make it 30)
A good game knows how to pull you in time after time.  A great game never lets go.


That would depend on how fast you want your players to advance.  Does going up one level cause a big change in the character?  or just a small one?

To determine how many EP (or whatever you use) are needed, think about tasks that are required.  How long should a Level 1 character take to get to level 2?  One session?  Half a session?  Ten sessions?  Then take the normal tasks accomplished in one session and determine the EP that would be awarded by that.

Not making sense?  I'll give an example.

You want your PCs to advance a level roughly once a session until they get to level 10, at which point it will start to slow down.  Your game mostly focuses on combat, so they get EP for killing creatures.  Level 1 creatures give 10 EP.  PCs will usually kill 10 creatures in one session (I'm really going for extreme averages here, and not making suggestions on how much combat there should be).  That means that a player will normally get 100 EP in the first session.  So to get to Level 2, I would suggest the PC needs 100 EP to advance.

Level 2 creatures give you 20 EP, and you want it to take 15 kills to go to level 3 (to start some sort of difficulty curve).  Do the math, and you need another 300 EP (total 400 EP) to get to level 3.  And so on and so forth.

Of course, this can be adapted for social tasks, or any other sort of task that you want.

Hope that helps.
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