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[Great Orc Gods] Comment on lack of "Character" sh

Started by arxhon, April 29, 2004, 09:54:07 PM

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All this kerfuffle about Great Ork Gods has caused me to download the current .zip (v2) and print it off.

It looks great and the actual play sounds like hilarious fun. I'm going to see if i can run demo/playtests at my FLGS.

One thing that i can see lacking is "character sheets"...well, insomuch as the orks have character, anyway. More of a "Hate Roster" than anything, i guess. I'm sure Ser Aidley can come up with a much better name. Now, i understand that there are only 7 "stats" (term loosely applied) and a name, so actually writing them out isn't that hard, but i'm lazy and i have a computer. :-P

So what i did to rectify this is type up a quick word .doc with a table containing the names of the seven Gods and a space for the orc's name in each cell. I can fit 6 sheets on a single page, and then you simply cut the page up and pass out the sheets to the players. Cheaper than 1 orc on a single full size page, and it does the trick, since it looks as though life for an orc is (to quote Gygax) nasty, brutish and short.

I recommend that Jack do something like this. He may even come up with a way to fit more sheets on a page as well as make them look "pretty" ('cause mine are functional and ugly).

Ron Edwards


On the other hand, I think the folks I've played with so far actually reveled in the fact that they scribbled down their orks onto scratch paper, saw them die horribly, and scribbled down replacements even faster. Something about "official character sheet" doesn't match with that enjoyment exactly ...

Hey! What about a sheet that's intentionally built to cross out multiple characters as you replace them throughout a session?

H'mmm ... with the Gods across the top, and then rows for each ork, with names at the left and Oog and goblins on the right ... with Hate values filled in under the Gods' names in columns ...

I like that - official, but also scribble-cross-out, scribble-cross-out, and useful for adding and subtracting goblins ...



Sounds like keeping such a sheet would be a nice memento of play, too... But then I haven't read the game*, so maybe not.

*Yeah, yeah, it's on my list.

Walt Freitag

GOG character sheets should be sold in the form of those cheap little gum-bound tear-off pads, about 4 by 5 inches, like the score sheets in Yahtzee or Clue.

You'd still get the scribble effect because everyone reuses those sheets endlessly ("Sure, like I'm going to go hunting for 'refills'..."), scribbling on the margins, on the back of the sheet, overwriting a penciled sheet with pen, and so forth.

- Walt
Wandering in the diasporosphere

Jack Aidley

There's no character sheet because it's only a test release. I have to keep something back for the paid-for version you know ;)

I've always intended to do a caracter sheet - my plan was to have space for three or four Orks on each, and a 'dead' tick box for each one.
- Jack Aidley, Great Ork Gods, Iron Game Chef (Fantasy): Chanter


I'd go for a 'cause of death' field, myself.  It seems gettin dead is a given the only question is how...

I checked out whether you could get custom post-it notes... you can, but generally in batches of 500 minimum it seems.  It might be worth doing more purposeful browsing though.
Impeach the bomber boys:

"He who loves practice without theory is like the sailor who boards ship without a rudder and compass and never knows where he may cast."
- Leonardo da Vinci


Hey Jack,

No problem. I completely understand.

Keep up the good work! :-)


Design it, take it to Kinko's. They can do the gum-binding thing. I don't think it's that expensive either. But then, I haven't priced it. I just know someone who works there.

Ben Morgan

Great ideas so far, guys. If you're interested, Jack, I can whip something up.

-- Ben
-----[Ben Morgan]-----[]-----
"I cast a spell! I wanna cast... Magic... Missile!"  -- Galstaff, Sorcerer of Light


Jack, if you can get Ben Morgan to do your character sheets for you, jump at the chance.  He has a real gift for it.

I'm hoping he'll want to do some Robots & Rapiers sheets for me when I get that far.