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Advice Please (editted)

Started by archangel_2, December 26, 2001, 08:37:00 AM

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Mike Holmes

The fixed target is much simpler, and eliminates many of the problems that existed. Are we to assume that the Miscellaneous Factor is where you include things for difficulty in the task? If that's in there, I missed it. Or was there some other way of indicating difficulty?

Anyhow, one neat thing about your system is that (like Underworld which is similar) you can use coins. To make up for explosions, for each success, flip again. For every two more consecutive heads you get, you get an additional success. So, for example, I've got five "dice" trying to get six successes. If I get three successes on those five flips, I flip again for the first success, and get a tails, indicating no further successes. For the second I flip again and get three consecutive heads, and then a tails, so I now have one more success (four total, still need two more). For the third success I flip four heads before getting a tails, so I get two more successes, and make my quota.

BTW, this system will give you slightly more succeesses than sixes exploding, but given that you don't always have dice handy, it's a reasonable alternative.

Member of Indie Netgaming
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Ya know, that's a wonderful idea for an Appendix! "Don't have any - or enough - dice? Here's what you do. First, you get a few coins..." Thanks for the idea! It'll probably be a bit before I start working on it (I want to get the core rules and setting information done first), but it's certainly something I'm going to want to put into the final product! Again, thanks!
